Part 1: Stop talking about your big plans and actually DO them! Learn why you are stuck in “talking about it” mode so that you can get into Action!
Part 2: Spock-like Love, do you have it? You aren’t broken. Learn about this advanced form of heart-centered technology.
Part 3: Benevolent Reptilian Energy, revealed. We have friends in high places, including the often maligned reptilians. It’s good to know who your friends are…

Message is shared live each Tuesday at 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern/6pm London. Our free gift to the world. Each message is recorded, and available in archive immediately after live event. Want to join live on FB? Follow or friend me here.  Also, subscribe to our youtube channel.

The Parenting Series available here!

Other Re-Sources we offer for authentic enlightenment (light within):

The Balanced Heart Series is here.
The 2017 Tune Our World Project is here.
Minding the Matter is here.
The Soul Signature Series is here.
The Celebrating the Empaths Series is here.
The Angel Code Activations is here.
The Outwitting Wetiko series is here.

Private Sessions can be scheduled here.

To join me on an upcoming trip, in the upcoming Parenting Series, and/or the Practitioner Series or at least be one of the first to get the details, please email me at

Thank you for Sharing this important message!

I welcome your comments below.

With love and blessings,
