JRF Podcast #224 How to Let Go and Not Be So Controlling, with Life, Children, Others

Before I left for the Greece trip with clients, I was inspired to pre-record a few podcasts, scheduling them for release while I’m away.  I hope you like this one and feel the freedom and liberation of your light, your glorious layers from this experience. For this message, the topic is Letting Go and not being so controlling. Some of us as humans share a consistent desire to control an outcome, manage people’s lives for them and step into problem solve even when we aren’t invited. Although the application of this message is much wider, we do include the primary example of parenting, helicopter parenting, with some thoughts on advocating for our children and helping to raise them to Be their own self, to support a well adjusted, happy, “successful” adult. Audio is here: Have you joined our Membership page yet, with exclusive monthly offers? If not, WHAT are you waiting for ?!!??? You can join in to this special, dedicated Bringers of Light group at https://jillreneefeeler.com/monthly-members-only/ Remember, we turn modern day enlightenment teachings on their head… offering a completely radical way of being light, living light, from the inside out… the Light isn’t something we connect to ~ it is what we Are. Weekly messages are our gift to the world, to inspire the Light of God within all life. This is a no bullshit zone – we turn “enlightenment” teachings on their head… to reveal the authentic Light that is already there, in You! With love, gratitude and blessings, Jill Events, private sessions, archived classes, travel, recorded interviews and so much more are available. I LOVE to create and share soulful resources. Thank you for your support. I appreciate You. Â