Covid Vaccine ~ Room to Choose

I came across some ridiculous reasons for not getting the vaccine which are suppressing people’s right to intelligently make their own choice about getting vaccinated or not. Want to offer another perspective in this short ~5 minute message in video and audio formats.

My main points in this message are
1) that getting the vaccine will cause you to somehow be susceptible to solar flares is ridiculous in my perception and
2) the idea that getting the vaccine will block your connection to God | Source energy shows a complete lack of understanding of what God | Source energy is. 

Are there reasons to be concerned, to be uncertain, to choose for yourself not to get vaccinated or to wait to get vaccinated, yes.

The idea that getting the vaccine will cause you to somehow be susceptible to solar flares is ridiculous in my perception.  The idea that getting the vaccine will block your connection to God | Source energy shows a complete lack of understanding of what God | Source energy is.  Why listen to such nonsense?  Did such silly people also tell you that Donald Trump was some white hat here to end corruption and play a key, heroic role in bringing about the enlightenment age? 

I can’t keep track of such unreasonable theories and don’t want to become a debunker. On this day, I felt led to share my piece, to debunk some covid vaccine conspiracies I came across from clients in private sessions today. 

I offer my perspectives, hoping it helps you be, know and share the amazing divine energy you are, right now. Other leaders, teachers and spiritual gurus seem intent on suppressing your light, your sovereignty and self-actualization. They promote and even create divisiveness, chaos and fear.  This should bother you. 

You may have become addicted to fear, pretending it is wisdom, knowledge and expanded consciousness.  It is keeping you from the divine layers of yourself, that are present now, and actually omnipresent.

I don’t want you to wait to live and be and share your light, love, wisdom and compassion. Because there will always be manipulation, risks, uncertainty, unconsciousness. I view it as we came here to be our ones, our light. But, what you believe, what you call true, creates your personal operating system for living. Choose carefully, with discernment, healthy skepticism, using your own brain for logic and reasoning. No one is closer to God than you. Even channelers. Think for yourself.

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