For My Fellow Leaders of Progression and Human Evolution

progression and human evolution

At some point in your life you decide it isn’t about someone else believing in you, it’s about You believing in you. And everything shifts from that point forward…

Believe in yourself, your hopes, your dreams, what you love.

Notice what you can’t stand or even hate… because underneath that are more indicators of what you love.

Take yourself seriously enough to invest in yourself and to become totally kick ass at the stuff you really really care about.

Recognize your area of expertise may be in a completely unconventional way, and there may be no teacher, other than you.

Be the Pioneer, charting new territory if you are led and do so boldly and courageously.

Look for fellow leaders, walking their talk, to support you and cheer you on and give you authentic/raw input as led. And if these comrades are intuitive and firmly connected to divine guidance, their insights can play a pivotal role in your continuous evolution.

Develop a thick enough skin to take potential criticism without falling apart – it’s just input, you decide if it’s truth. Amazing leaders become amazing from shaping themselves along the way. Take the short route by being able to hear from wise counsel what’s working for you and what isn’t.

Put those kick ass skills and that passion and heart to work for you in your own life. Create a path for you to share that with the world.

If you can make a living out of it, Great! If it’s hobby, still great (but please, in some manner, meet your needs for income and financial independence because this is also balanced living and personal freedom).

With love and blessings, Jill