Financial Red Pills2020-10-19T14:22:34-06:00

~ Red Pill Financial Perspectives ~

Offered with love… I love you enough to offer the truth as I see it,

including an unpopular idea – that just because you dream it doesn’t mean you can live it…

In this profound episode of "Raw Talk with Sheena," Jill Renee Feeler shares her journey of evolving through personal and business challenges, leading to an insightful exploration of trust, intuition, and parenthood.

A look into the notion of only doing what you love, and asking the world to pay you for it.

Debates on whether the US is or isn't in a recession are confused by more ineffective modeling than usual. We offer the compounding factors and strategies for getting or staying more financially stable.

Sometimes we build it and they don't come. That doesn't always mean you did it wrong. Sometimes we just build really cool stuff that not enough people want.

The leaders at even the failed banks still got their bonuses, yup even the banks that were given government bail outs. Many of the same politicians that oversaw those bail outs are still in their seats. And the game continues.

Insights and tools for living as your transcendent self, free from the endless seeking, no longer under the spell of fear programs, truly liberated as the source energy you are.

My intention with this post is to offer some clarity and hopefully helpful links so that we can all make more informed decisions with our futures, our money, our time, our dreams and our careers. 

Is Luck real? Many seem to not believe there is luck, perhaps instead believing that everything happens for a reason. In this message, we are offering that luck is a very real variable in this reality and in life.

Financial Red Pills Available via our Subscription Membership

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World renowned intuitive, philosopher Jill Renee Feeler offers dedicated support for those who officially and unofficially encourage and inspire the divine light within their fellow humans.

Many topics here - hoping you find at least a couple things that inspire, inform, expand and help you feel connected to your own transcendental layers.

A very uplifting and clarifying message, helping you to further allow for your creator of origin layers to be present in your life. A JRF Member's experience. If you haven't yet, here is another reason to participate in our membership.

Exclusive members experiences, inspire and inform while offering unprecedented support for personal greatness, for deeper levels of authenticity and for making the mysteries of life knowable. You may be amazed at what's possible ~ now. Next level enlightenment starts here

World renowned intuitive, philosopher Jill Renee Feeler offers dedicated support for those who officially and unofficially encourage and inspire the divine light within their fellow humans.

Financial responsibility matters, even in enlightenment journeys like yours and mine. Choices. Discernment. Living our choices, every day. And adjusting as needed/desired when the outcome isn't what we desire. 

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