You, only better

Do you remember as a child the feeling of back to school time?  Fresh starts.  New beginnings.  Learning and personal growth.  A clean slate, filled with hope and anticipation.

Some of us never wanted to stop learning, so we didn’t.   We look for quality programs and enriching experiences that can touch us deeply and support us in being an even better version of ourselves.  We expect a lot from ourselves.  We take ourselves seriously and we invest accordingly including with our time.  We are worth it.  And it really boils down to our wanting to help others and to make a difference in this world.

You know you make a difference. And yet it seems like we are capable of so much more, like the 5 human senses just aren’t enough. A treasure chest is within us but we cannot find the key.

I know something about that key, because I happened upon it myself in 2009.  I’m not the same person, and I like myself so much more.  No longer overly controlling.  Not wanting to make sure everything and everyone conforms to my standards.  Now I’m actually excited when the script of life isn’t followed!  I’m a better version of myself.  I kept the intelligent, insightful, perceptive, caring, ambitious MBA Jill and I added another layer to her that feels like a treasure chest of divine intelligence and I not only hold the key, I am the key.

Take a breath for a moment, and you may want to relax your shoulders, pulling your shoulders down away from your ears because this next part is really important and I want to make sure you hear it.  You know those moments where you found yourself sharing genius wisdom, sage advice with such clarity and flow that it felt almost supernatural, like you couldn’t wait to hear what you were about to say next because it was just so good, so perfect?  Those words weren’t coming from your brain.  They were literally flowing through you from within you, to the surface of your human, like a wellspring of divine intelligence.  And it probably felt surreal while it was happening.  Like time stopped and you were so in the moment and so fully connected to that deeper layer of you that it came to the surface, from within you.  In that experience, you allowed a soulful version of you to engage with you and share from within you to another, out into this world.  And it was divine.  And you weren’t even trying!  Loving, intelligent, caring, wise beyond yourself.  Divine intelligence in motion, through you, as you.

What if you could live there, in that zone?  You can.  I do.  I happened upon these inner soulful layers of myself and have discovered that we can connect so beautifully to them that we can call upon at will.  It’s like adding the sixth sense to your every day life.  (And you don’t have to get all weird doing it.)  You are still you, only better… much much better.

The benefits aren’t just for the ways we share ourselves with the world, they are also for ourselves.  By naturally and organically accessing these soulful layers within ourselves it feels seamless and effortless, just like that moment when divine guidance was flowing out of you and you felt in awe of yourself.  We then notice the contrast between this effortless connection to divine intelligence vs. all the ways we try too hard to make a difference in this world that feel sort of clunky and forced by comparison, like a needy child.  The contrast between the soulful you flowing from within and the forced superhero becomes so obvious.  And no identity crisis is needed, because the soulful you is so likable, even to yourself.  Like a breath of fresh air.  You in your best moments, now a way of life.  You can laugh within yourself with grace and sincere humor at the widening spectrum of choices for how to be, like an old you and a new you.

If you are still reading then you’ve made a breakthrough already.   You can live from there.  No longer trapped by your thoughts.  I realize that was a version of hell.  I love my thoughts and I love my brain and intelligence but it had taken over my life and I didn’t know there was another way to be.  But there is and I’d love to give you a peek for yourself.  Remember it’s still you, only better.

This intro call will give you a glimpse and a sample of what I’m describing.

If you like it and want to know more, send me an email.  Or if you are truly ready to just dive right in, I have a group experience starting Friday July 11.  A private and confidential one on one version of helping you tap into that divine intelligence is also an option.  I did it, love it and love myself in ways I never could have before.  I’m more fun to be with.  My relationships are more genuine and meaningful.  I’m no longer trying to make a difference in the world, I am making a difference in the world.  I’m not struggling to be successful, I’m thriving in success with those ingenious moments piling up throughout the day, called upon by me.

You do have a treasure chest within you, and it does make a difference in this world.  This world benefits by you fully accessing it, which is why I do what I do.  I want you to find your key (you!) because we all win in the process.

Kind regards,

Jill Renee Feeler