Important Ascension Update!

Ascension Update

For this month’s gifted webinar I will be sharing a very important Ascension update. We have some very interesting energies at play since the June Solstice. Let’s get an update from the team to help us utilize these energies to their fullest potential, especially as we head into September.

If you have not logged in or do not have a log in, here is the teaser content.  Only seeing 9 minutes?  You are definitely not logged in.  Full gifted webinars are minimum 60 minutes.  The trick?  Log in!

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Want to see the full 60 minute plus gifted message? Great! Just log into your account or Create your account. Once you log in, then go here and voila you will see the full gifted video.

This same process will work within the blog of Gifted videos going back in archives. You will always use the same login for the whole site.  Enjoy!  My hour plus gifted webinars have never stopped.  We just began putting them behind the membership area earlier this year.

Sign up for a free account! or Sign in to your account.