JRF Podcast #204

Room for Being Wrong Leads to MAJOR Expansion

I LOVED the expansiveness and practicality of this message. When we can question ourselves, asking “What if I’m wrong” helps shape the brain process, and our human energy fields to be more open and expansive to the Eternal Self energies. Great info for anyone wanting to be a better version of themselves and want betterment for all. Mind control, discourage from thinking for yourself, movements and policies that turn out to be regressive. Conscious Leadership. Dogmatic and rigid thinking is dishonoring your One. The live messages are Tuesdays at 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern/7pm London with live audio and phone access (video is provided for the archive). Video is here:

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uOmkVNljfA[/embedyt] Audio is here: Video will be placed here as well, but that is a much longer, several hour process. Have you joined our Membership page yet, with exclusive monthly offers? The March event will be on Sat Mar 2 and I am looking forward to that experience together  :-) The Quan Yin February message is ready and waiting for you, as are the other developing library of dedicated, honest, clear materials for being your Light!  You can join this special, dedicated Bringers of Light group at https://jillreneefeeler.com/monthly-members-only/ Weekly messages are our gift to the world, to inspire the Light of God within all life. This is a no bullshit zone – we turn “enlightenment” teachings on their head… to reveal the authentic Light that is already there, in You! With love, gratitude and blessings, Jill Events, private sessions, archived classes, travel, recorded interviews and so much more are available. I LOVE to create and share soulful resources. Thank you for your support. I appreciate You. Workshop in Boise!!! Â