The mysteries, portals and energies of Greece

Hello beautiful beings!!

I enjoy the process of feeling where I’m led to offer sacred travel experiences. Greece has been on my heart for more than a year.  Sometimes trip planning comes together easily while sometimes I need to be more patient.

Greece has required me to be patient. And then, it started coming together, in ways that I couldn’t imagine.

As I tap into my own divine connection to Source energy, I often feel the resources popping up for me to see – even through internet searches lol! I’m guessing you can relate to this, too?

You may or may not be aware of a fellow channeler, James Tyberonn.  I came across Jim about 8 years ago when we each appeared regularly on the late Rev. Rhonda’s Smith Blogtalkradio show. I noticed then, as did Rhonda that Jim and my connection to Metatron are complementary.  The reason I’m bringing up Jim is that as I was working on the Greece itinerary, I came across this channeled message from him/Metatron, related to Greece, Ancient (I prefer the word timeless) Portals, Egypt and Atlantis.  I want to share it with you as it confirmed some of the priority sites for the Greece trip that I had in heart, which brings a smile to my face, and to Metatron’s.  Metatron feels like a brother in this message through Jim, speaking to us, now, and it resonates so well.  Whether you are interested in traveling to Greece or not, I sense you may love Jim’s message at

I’m so glad I didn’t rush the details for this trip!  The itinerary we now have includes hidden treasures that even the local travel agency didn’t know about… the secret spots, waiting for us.  It is sooo much more than a wonderful vacation to a beautiful collection of energy systems, timeless portals and feeling completely taken care of, even spoiled.

If you are led to Greece, please check out our divinely inspired itinerary for our 2019 adventure HERE.  And for those called to Egypt, we headed there again in Jan. 2020, details HERE. A lesser known collection of timeless portals are also in Zion Utah, USA, where we are offering a retreat in Oct. 2019, details HERE.

Loving you,