Room for Better

Personal Growth and Inspiring Others

With so many things in life we are unaware of how much better things can be, we can be, our beliefs can be. Yes, beliefs. Beliefs land in this strange placement. Beliefs, all of them, were offered by humans. And yet most humans don’t feel permission to question beliefs, especially esoteric and religious beliefs. But, if we did question them more regularly, humans may end up creating… better beliefs. Beliefs that support and inspire the best in all humans… I know it sounds strange to some, but that’s what I do. Because all humans are capable of their own version of greatness. And everyone benefits from one’s being a greater version of themselves. All the belief systems that were here, didn’t meet that standard for me. So I’m boldly, but humbly offering a new one. Because we deserve it, all of us.

With love,


Offering 21st century enlightenment, psychic intuitive, Jill Renee Feeler helps us better understand and appreciate ourselves, this world and why we are here.