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Re-membering we can appreciate our human/individuation, while also being connected to Source/God…  this is such a strange dance.

Years ago, I realized I wanted a functional system for connecting to God (please use a term that most resonates with you — Source, the force, Love, etc.).  I was looking for The God that is unconditionally loving, deeply compassionate while also extremely honoring of our human experience and our free will.  In this exploration process I transitioned from spiritual seeker to spiritual experiencer.  And it feels like heaven on Earth.  I’m a new and improved version of my former self, “6th sense” and all.

We have many choices in how to be.  We are not truly separate from God by being human… it’s only our present states of consciousness that makes us feel this way.  And that consciousness can be adjusted… to accommodate the God energy you are.

We can expand our consciousness, reconsidering tenets of faith, belief and truth.  We can deconstruct and reconstruct our personal sense of this paradigm, this human experience.  Playing with our truths, beliefs and attitudes in a curious, exploratory way.  Allowing more of our God energy to be present.  In this process, please consider a measurement tool to assist you, by assessing how loving you feel a) towards yourself, and b) all others alongside any potential beliefs and truths.

I got here by breaking some rules… rules which actually keep us from knowing God, within, in a personal, tangible, real way.  I just knew there was more connection to God available to me than our present day religions and spirituality offer.  I then explored other conceptions of God by venturing within myself through meditation.  I also became open minded enough to consider others beliefs of God, again assessing whether it felt more loving of myself and all others as my measurement tool.  I didn’t study.  I didn’t seek.  I simply explored ideas in a casual manner of curiosity.  And I discovered, within myself, concepts of God that are more real than anything I’ve been taught.

For others that are also curious, first, consider and then trust what you are looking for — get to know the version of God you have seemingly coded into the core of your being.  Look for that force of energy that has an opinion, beyond teachings and into knowing.  Let that eternal force guide you.  Ask yourself lots of questions about what your expectation of God is.  Test your present beliefs and truths against these.

Address whatever questions may have bothered you about your own applications of spirituality and of religion.  We can get comfortable inside our religious and spiritual beliefs to the point that we block the loving energy God is, from our own experience.  Unable to connect with God because our own beliefs and truths are setting up a structure of energy built for separation from God, not connection to God.

“But it’s dangerous to examine and explore these things,” some may say.  Really?  Is it any more dangerous than the reality our present beliefs and truths are creating as a reality on Earth?  More dangerous than teachings that a neighbor is on hell’s doorstep, or that a cartoonist must die?  Is it more dangerous than governmental policies that fund both sides of warring cultures so they can kill each other without any cause other than their heritage, birthplace, beliefs and residence?  As if those are reasons for murdering another.  I find that much, much more dangerous… than considering, exploring, connecting with a version of God that loves you and loves others —- All Others.  A God that wouldn’t even imagine creating a reality called hell, let alone sentence anyone to it.

No, what I’ve realized is that there is no Hell, other than the hell we’ve created here, on Earth as unconscious aspects of God, in a reality which was Created as an experiencing place for brave souls that were curious about what we would be when we forget that we are God…  And here we are.

But, you see, we can re-member.  And I’ve chosen to re-member.  And I can now experience that I love you, no matter what you believe or don’t believe, no matter what your political preferences are or aren’t, no matter what your ancestry is or isn’t, no matter what your birthplace is or isn’t, no matter…  Beyond matter/physical.

I love you.  My head doesn’t tell my why.  My heart doesn’t need a reason.  So I don’t even need to know you.. to see if you are worthy of my love.  My God essence just wants to love you, and me, and everyone.  Because it can.  And because I, in my human self, want to.  And so I do.  I love you, from the God essence I allow in me and the God essence I know is you.  Without condition, without exception.

It’s not even that hard.  In fact, it’s easier.  Easier then trying to condition love.  Easier than hate.  These conventions are taught.  Including taught by religions, that claim to be love because they just don’t know.  We just didn’t know, because we were forgetting who we are as God in human form, operating from an arena of limited consciousness  Conditional love isn’t natural.  Our natural, eternal tendencies to Love can always, and in all ways, be fully restored.  Right now.

From your heart, ask yourself what God is and create room for that version of God.  For me it’s crystal clear; God is Love.  Period.  Trust what you are looking for — know the version of God you have somehow coded in the core of your being and look for that.  Let that guide you.  Ask yourself lots of questions about what your expectation of God is.  And explore your present beliefs and truths against these.  Explore You.

Create your own process as needed.  Trust yourself.  It’s all within you.  It will require breaking conventions and ignoring hard and fast rules of the present Age.  And you can choose to be ok with that.  To set yourself free to Be who you really Are, as an eternal, loving, timeless version of you, while you are also human <3

With love and blessings,
Jill Renee Feeler

Jill Renee Feeler is a published author, futurist, spiritual experiencer, alchemist, gifted intuitive and inspirational visionary.  She is also a wife and mother, residing in Boise, Idaho USA.  She offers guidance and vision for the developing Divine Human experience, filled with a sense of wholeness, well-being, joy and most importantly, love.

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