Trump Reading

Another perspective on Trump to offer. We hope you find this helpful as he has been dehumanized in a very calculated manner that is worthy of personal examination. I encourage your own discernment in all matters of life. I love humanity and I love my country. I hope all citizens love their country and that they want what is best for it. Complex situations deserve a deeper look at all factors.

This is a transcription of a podcast message.

Okay, so somebody just asked, Karen just asked if I’ve ever done a reading for Trump and I’ve thought about it many, many times, but I had never done one. So why not now? people turning around to their seats now. Okay and I always wonder why I hadn’t done one But I know why it’s because it’s so easy with him to be sure you have it all figured out, no matter which side you’re on, right? But there’s so many more layers. There’s a lot of layers to that guy. Okay, so let’s do this. I’m gonna. There is a sense I’m letting him speak at his sub one, okay? There is a sensitivity to me that I was never allowed to show as a child. So I’m extremely sensitive and those of you that know walls are built to protect something, I’m protecting my sensitivity. My feelings get hurt extremely easily that will not be news to any of this group. But there’s a constant sense of needing to protect myself from a sense of an enemy that will not appreciate me that will not understand me and that will not like me. I love to be liked and it isn’t because I need to be liked though, it’s because I know I’m a likable guy and I know that there are aspects to me that are completely unlikable.

So for those that know me, and like me anyway, they I, there’s a loyalty that I will have to them forever. Like an army general or something like that. There’s a sense of somebody has my back in a world where I feel like I’ve I take arrows all the time. So that’s kind of the, the sort of emotional side to how I know my Donald, if you will. Okay, extremely ambitious, always trying to prove myself. Definitely related to issues with my father and my mother. There it felt impossible to please them. My dad felt like a God in my life and then especially when we lost my brother, there was another sense of trying to then be worthy of the name that I felt was a legacy for two boys, not just myself. There was definitely and still is a side to me that loves to be poked because I feel like I get a better version out of myself. So without an enemy, I’m not as good as I can be.

So there is a sub conscious need for an enemy. So I sort of like building enemies along the way because I like to have something to push against. That feels personal to me so that they the hate or whatever the enemy sensation has to be personal about me. So to me, it’s, I don’t look at it as a distraction. I don’t know what I would do without an enemy. I don’t know. What I would be or who I would be without a sense of what I’m not. I am definitely mischaracterized. I am definitely misread and in some cases as my Donald I feel oddly confident in making decisions with extremely limited information. The vast majority of my decision making is based on gut, people I trust, whether I should trust them or not, their recommendations and extremely limited amount of information. This has worked well in business where nobody was voting on me in or out where I ran the entire ship. I’m horrible at working for other people and I sort of refuse to believe even as the president of the United States that I work for the citizens I don’t look at it that way. I look at it as I’ve been put in charge I can do what I want. So I love to have people around me that tell me how I can get done what I want to do and I tend to get rid of people that tell me I can’t do what I want to do and the people that see that are the people that hate me for probably the best reasons ever. But on another side of things I don’t respect I never feel like the laws apply to me. I’ve never I’ve always felt like a legal issue and real estate or a legal issue related politics is just something that I, there’s a fence that I can cut a hole through, and wiggle my way around. That’s my nature. So I look at that as a problem solver.

I don’t look I’m not trying to do any harm to anybody and I mean, another way that the American public could look at me is that the you have the best leader you could ever have, as long as you agree with what I want to do. Because I don’t want to compromise. I want to make deals. I want to make deals for what I see as the betterment of the American citizenry and that’s misunderstood. But yeah, if somebody if somebody doesn’t value jobs and doesn’t value long term jobs, not government jobs, then they’re never going to appreciate who and what I am and what I do. I mean, I have the reason I classified myself as a Democrat is because of my sensitivity because of my compassion and then the reason I knew I would never win as a Democrat is because I’m too much of a capitalist for most democrats right now. So I ran as a Republican because I am a strong capitalist and I do believe business deals are a way for world peace and I believe all the globalism that was done were really horrible deals where it wasn’t even a win win. It was a lose, lose and that’s why we didn’t get the world peace that we thought we were going to get. Okay, let me get to this next part here. This 12 year old selfishness. The temper side of me is always there. I want people’s loyalty to me but I don’t really value my loyalty to them. As long as they agree with me, I’m loyal to them. I’m a loyal to the agreement that we have at that time, but I’m not loyal to people per se. I will do anything to protect my family. So I guess I am loyal to that. Yeah, I’m trying to think of something new. What do you guys want to ask him? Because so far not surprised by anything you’re saying I see your point and I could see where it would be called them a capitalizer but that’s not why I look at what I’m doing I’m just trying to get things moving I you know I’ve been an international business person for so long and I know how silly the red tape is to get deals done in the US and how slick and savvy and relationship based you need to be you know the right people and say the right things and flattery and all of those things and it’s I’m not a I’m not easily swayed by flattery but most people are so I don’t you know, Jill sees occasional things about you know and that I’m some undercover like angel or something like that I don’t, I don’t have that much to me.

So it’s not that I don’t have access to it, I just don’t go there. So I’m much more surface than I think some people give me credit. So I act from a very thin layer of what I want and it could be looked at it as Oh, that would be great for humanity. So I can see where a group like this sometimes gives me gives me more credit than I deserve. Because there are some things that well, there’s a lot of things that aren’t working well and if we were all to sit down and we now talk about what we don’t like about the world, we probably have a lot of agreements. How we fix it though I am I am always a bigger fan of what is in the way of the government. Get it out of the way. and that private businesses and private industry and personal motives and interests let that happen versus I don’t trust the government to do it in a way that’s a that’s a fair use of tax dollars and as somebody that you know is constantly trying to minimize the taxes I pay I don’t trust the government with money in general. So I think that makes a great leader but I’m definitely not appreciated for that and that’s okay. I feel under appreciated and under, Under recognized for the good stuff that I do and I feel falsely persecuted all the time and it drives me crazy but like I said, it, it bring it I feel it actually brings out the best in me. But I will I know I’ll be disappointed because there’s a part of me waiting for the world to say See, he was good. We were wrong and I’m now seeing more and more that there’s nothing I can do. That’s right and a huge portion of the population that I part of me wants their credit. Yeah. What questions do you guys have for him? Yeah, I don’t. I have women on my cabinet. I have blacks on my cabinet. I have said stupid, thoughtless amateur things to people because I thought it was what they wanted to hear for me to impress them, relate to them, be friends with them. I have done thoughtless things related to women and taking advantage of I love beautiful women. I think he’s actually said that publicly. I’m just popping in here and I there is a part of me that based on how much how little or how much they respect themselves, I treat them accordingly. If I saw, you know, if I had a colleague that was a lawyer, I would never dream of, let’s say violating their space, the way I have with somebody that doesn’t seem or demonstrate to have any self respect and is only showing themselves as a token of beauty in the world look at that as something that I can touch if I want to and that has happened. So I have, it’s not about disrespecting women though, as a gender.

It’s about not respecting someone that isn’t respecting themselves. I have tremendous respect for people that respect themselves and I’ve worked hard and have accomplished and you know, strive and want to be their best. So it I get it that given the stupid choices I’ve made That there are people that say he hates all women or he, you know, he talks about, you know, grabbing women inappropriately that I talked about that, you know, in cabinet meetings or something like that.

That was a, that was a stupid thing. I said that I never would have said had Billy not been there. I was trying to get Billy to like me and because he was there, and I sense that he was that way and it was the context of the conversation. I said out loud, what in a way I thought he wanted to hear and it was behavior I had done before. But it’s not because I disrespect women. It’s because I disrespected those women and thought they were absolutely beautiful and wanted to touch it. I mean, yeah, it’s like a like a kid in a candy store is kind of how I felt about myself at most pageant sort of situations. But it’s interesting also because the Miss Universe pageants and all of that I want these women to respect themselves and I see that one of in their case, One of their most notable assets is they’re actually their stunning beauty. Now, could they do more with that? Are they intelligent underneath all that? Yes. But they don’t know that. So is there a way that I love to foster, you know, their futures and help them, you know, become law students or whatever, become physicians, lawyers, mothers, whatever? Yeah. But if they don’t respect themselves, then I sort of treat them accordingly. I don’t know why I keep repeating that, but it’s not disrespect for all women. My wife would never put up with that. None of my wives would have actually, especially Ivana. Never would have put up with that. But she knew I was kind of situation based. So she put up with probably more than she should have, but I you know, she saw what she wanted to see she was busy with the kids. What was your question again? I do not feel whites are supreme to any other race. I have never felt that It still baffles me a bit as to where this idea came from. I can’t help that white supremacist love me. You can’t, you don’t get to say as a public figure who aligns with your ideas and for why you can’t control that. So I am in an unfortunate position that white supremacists for me as the US president love me because I’m anti establishment and all these things and they did not vote for Obama. Right. So they were happy to get anyone in that was not black of any threat, right. There is a very Aryan, you know, sort of element to my genetics.

So I think anyone with my genetics they would have loved so I think yeah, it’s a horrible shit storm that I that I deal with every day and I think that’s completely unfair. I mean, how does Ben Carson not count? I mean, I love that man. He is the most decent. You know, you may not agree with his politics, but Ben Carson is just a beautiful human being inside and out and I don’t want credit for the fact that I adore him. But I’m frustrated that somehow Well, you have to be racist and you only put Ben Carson on your cabinet because you know, to show that you’re not a white supremacists. I’m just, it’s so annoying. Yeah. What else? I want deals done. Those are both resource rich countries that have been managed, in my opinion, horribly I’m pro business, right and the business opportunities that would benefit North Korea that would benefit the Asia Pacific region. If they added North Korea in as a business partner, they would not need to fear him with his military might. So I’m trying to get that regime not just him, but who’s ever next in line, right? Because that’s their system. They don’t elect to understand the benefits of being a business partner, a business partner, I don’t look at it as a political ally. I look at it as what deals can we get done our industry and your potential industry and the human capital that they have I mean, they’re used to following orders that makes I mean, look at China. It’s made for an amazing workforce that’s highly efficient and highly productive and the top exporter in the world. So when you have that culture of tell me the order and I’ll follow it I won’t question it that I mean that’s not America. So they’re one of their greatest resources in North Korea is their human capital that we’ve seen with China could be put to amazing use so I see North Korea is an amazing manufacturing hub. There’s so many business deals there and then Russia is resource rich beyond measure. So I look at it as we can all win if we share and some would say, you know, I’m wanting to exploit those resources. I am more long term than that I have kids I have grandkids there’s nothing about my mindset that’s let’s rape the natural resources of earth so that our grandchildren have nothing. That’s so not in my core value system, but I don’t feel like resources are as depletable and as limited in supply as some people think and I don’t care what Scientists and research says they’re wrong all the time. They’re wrong all the time. There was a time when they American oil reserves and American oil resources were thought of as you know, depleted and gone and there was never going to be any more and then there were other wells found. There’s other ways to extract it with fracking, which does have problems. But I don’t feel like it’s as destructive as some people think it is. It does have negative side effects, I think temporarily, but if it’s possible, that those resources are redeemable and that, you know, property is better. I mean, it properties on a coal reserve, they eventually decided the houses shouldn’t be there, they extracted the coal and then the people moved elsewhere. So there’s, I think there’s good reasons to compensate somebody to move if they’re living in a place that has a greater benefit to this society. So in terms of you know, nations and things like that. I just, I never see the harm in talking to somebody. I never see it as though you can’t talk to them. That’s exactly who you should talk to somebody that nobody’s talked to. So I just think it’s ignorant thinking of people that judge me for who I’m willing to speak with. I don’t not speaking to these people has not made situation better. not speaking to these individuals hasn’t fixed the problem. Sanctions haven’t worked in a lot of cases. We’re trying this with Iran, obviously tightening the sanctions and yeah.

Do you mean fear of being wrong? I actually don’t I mine’s more fear of losing. I hate losing. But I’m actually not afraid of being wrong. It’s a bigger fear of losing now. those that know me, really well know that there’s a very delicate way to tell me I’m wrong and the right way to do it is we will lose if you don’t see this and then I’m all ears. Nicky the UN the former UN Ambassador was really good at that we will lose and she knew we meant America, the USA which is my primary interest, I was always horrified at the global policy decisions that were made for the sake of another country at the expense of the American people. It drove me crazy because to me that’s a horrible deal. It was giving in it was saying it was saying yes, it was you know, believing data believing scientists that giving it way too much credit for being right without a without a plan of but what if it’s wrong, and throwing money at things I really really value money because to me, money is stored effort, and I value stored effort because labor is time away from your family. I love to work. So for me, it’s not a problem. But for the I mean, for some people, they don’t think of the investment of their time. that they’ve given to a company to or to an objective etc. It’s just It baffles me. It’s like they don’t value themselves. So just, you know, for slaughter, you know, just kill me now. So these global policy deals related to what you’re touching on here. Yeah, I’m not afraid of being wrong. But it has to be pointed out to me in a way that yeah. I like that question. Yeah. What else? Okay, let me he’s laughing at me because he’s like Jill knows part of what, what the other side to this is. So he’s like, you can share your part first and then okay, so did you know that Canada will not just let anybody in based on their need, they actually vet based on degree based on employability? You can’t even visit the country. If you’ve had a DUI, for example, I have a client that had a DUI 25 years ago, and she cannot visit her girlfriend in Victoria, because of her DUI from 25 years ago. Right? So it’s, I find it really fascinating that the USA has such this godly view of itself that and you know that the Statue of Liberty is quoted all the time, right. But we that’s not a constitution.

That’s not a constitutional value that we hold. It’s a you know, it’s sort of a we’re really beautiful if we do this, right. Okay. So there’s that context. Okay. Let me see what he’s wants to say about this. I don’t think it’s fair to the American people and the way that we work and we work very hard and we’re, there’s a lot of people that are unemployed. It’s tough right now to be in the middle of the economy and less educated to make a good living as a family and it’s them that I’m thinking about. It’s not that I don’t care about the plight of those countries. But I don’t think letting them in here is number one way to fix their problems and I think there’s a better way to solve their actual problem because that’s like a band aid. They’re going to because like I said, the middle class in America has a really, really hard time right now. It’s not as hard as that was coming from Guatemala and Honduras and those other countries. But to add another level of less skilled labor is going to make everyone’s situation worse, and I don’t think that’s fair to them to the people that are already here. So that’s part of it. Now I do have ideas for how to fix it long term, and it’s to help those economies be more stable, and I always look at industry, I always look at business. Those are resource rich areas and again, when I say that I’m not thinking, let’s, you know, pillage its resources that doesn’t that’s I’m not into short term solutions and I’m always into what sustainable? How can we do this in a sustainable way? How can we, you know, all of that. So I think it’s, I think that the democrats look good in that they’re Most of them are saying, Let’s, let’s let them all in here and it’ll fix the problem.

I think they’re lying to themselves and I’m mad at them because they seem to claim that they’re the most educated and intelligent and intellectual of any of the parties and yet they don’t, they’re not honest with themselves about their they act like children like kindergarteners that are going to go in the lunchroom and steal all the food and pretend they saved the world, right? There’s no more food in the cafeteria for everybody. We will become more dependent on China and other import import heavy nations, if we take on as many immigrants as the democrats would like to. I think it is also dishonest to tell those immigrants that we’ll take care of you because we are having a hard time paying for what I mean look at the debt. I didn’t.

That’s not that’s not something I paused and what would happen to the debt if we let as many people in as they want to, it would get bad fast. Plus, if you look at the actual statistics of Central American individuals, they tend to have more children and younger and faster so we would be in a population growth of lesser skilled individuals, right, that tend to statistically expect and need more social welfare. That gets nowhere for the American people. And they exactly he says, say what you said, Jill. So I have a friend that is that she was, she used to be conservative, and now she’s very, very loyal Democrat and we were having a conversation, I guess Barbara Marx Hubbard said something about, there was some public comment that she made about. It was basically we should let them all in if we’re really, you know, a loving nation and loving people and this, and I said, I don’t I think that’s a beautiful statement, but it doesn’t work. I don’t think it works that way and she said, Well, what problem do you have with it? And and I said, I’m tired of Americans acting like they are God. Right. Did you see my point? It’s just and she was just like, Oh, yeah. I mean, we just act like we can fix everybody’s problems and I think there’s I think there’s an arrogance there and it’s not that I don’t wish it were true. It’s not that we don’t have anything to offer. But there’s it’s not a real fix. Yeah. Okay, let me see and he said Do you have any other questions about it? It’s complex. Yeah. What else? He just said who else can I win over? And then he just said or have I won anybody over? Do you like me more? I, I do have a blindness to past deals. I always think I got the best deal. I don’t, you know, and I kind of refuse to look at any new evidence. If I can’t go back and do the deal, then what good does it do to look back on it? Unless we’re going to renegotiate at some point or you know, there’s some openness and or I can have my lawyers redo the contract or whatever.

This is very different running a country, the legal maneuvers and things like that and I’ve never had such a mischaracterization of who I am be so public and it’s just bizarre. The way the papers and news organizations, the tremendous power that they have in making a star or making a villain is absolutely fascinating and I wish more people understood that Justin Trudeau could do no wrong, nothing wrong, right? and then, you know, occasionally there’s a good now there’s even more right about well, he’s not perfect either, but man that desire to have a hero and the desire to have an anti hero, the news or agencies and news organizations just play right into that and a psychological validation level of its readership and its viewership. It’s amazing how and those that are in the hero spots that are also human. They have a different fear right? They have a different side of oh shit What are they going to find out? I did this or did that or do this or do that you know there but it when they’ve already been made out to be hero that some of them last a lot longer and that shiny spotlight of the hero then they deserve to be and then there’s individuals that I can do no right. I can do no, right. That’s how I look at it. No matter what I do. It’s maligned, and I do things every day that Barack would have been praised for and and I’m vilified for and I just like I and I part of me, another person would have given up a long time ago and said this is not worth it. Right. I quit. I got another job I can go to thank you very much. So I am making sacrifices by being here because I do love my country and I do love what this country has to offer.

I feel yeah, very paternal in a way towards the middle class and I was middle class, right my family before my father built his empire, the reason we were able to build the empire that we did and employs so many people and all those things, capitalists are undervalued, they’re not made into heroes in these times. They’re made into villains, and I just, I can’t fix that, but it’s just a constant obstacle. If Barack Obama had been an industrialist he would not have been a hero. If Justin Trudeau had not been the son of a politician, right and in the family of politics, he would not have been a hero if JFK Jr. had been, you know, not as there just for some reason, political minded has often meant civic minded and servant of the people and we’re here to serve the people. But that isn’t what politicians are and they haven’t been for a long, long time. It’s extreme. It’s more selfish than any capitalist I know. But they’re made into these heroes just because they ran for office and I didn’t they didn’t even get that. No one even noticed the sacrifice, I made monetarily of what I would have given up and the burden placed on my sons and if I already had it figured out, that you’ve seen I don’t get along with the generals very well. Because my route to peace and route to mutual improvement is based on business deals.

They, we can’t even talk to each other. It’s a totally different mindset and most of these generals have been in a philanthropic sort of application for decades, we’re going in to help them versus we’re going into protect ourselves from them. Right. That has been a lesser component of US military maneuvers for a long, long time. Right. The Cold War was we were protecting ourselves from an enemy. Right. But then, I mean, the Taliban and all of these other they’re, they’re not, I mean, 9/11 was a different occurrence, but it’s just they’re tribes with incredible weaponry. But the tribalism and that the sense of sophistication and sense of maneuverability it has to the severe, humble, humblement of our all of our forces in the US, has been just frustrating. It’s like the anteater trying to get the ants right and the anteater knows it has it should have more training and more might and more experienced, but it cannot get it those ants in that amount not to mean that they’re ants and not humans, but I’m not trying to demean their humanity. They deserve a good life too. But I have a better I would have I have ideas for how they can have a better life. So I don’t, military mind is not the first place I go, I think of what is their industry, how can we help them bend to a better way of making decisions that places them in a better spot in the world so we can benefit from their resources and have trade deals back and forth Yeah, so with the military, the fact of being commander in chief as always, you know, at the It’s not my nature. So I try to have these great generals and then they don’t get me in and I don’t understand them and it’s not a great union. Yeah. I love your questions. I’m just saying. So good. Yeah.

Do you have questions? We never should have gone in You cannot you actually, I mean, what you notice I haven’t you notice I haven’t gotten any new places, though. I haven’t, as Trump have not separately, if anything, I want more out. I want less involvement in wars that we can’t win, or, you know, occupations, whatever they want to call it. Here’s what’s going on in the Middle East. So Iran, I was not willing, and I’m not willing to do military maneuvers. That was one of the reasons why. because he was hoping I would finally be the leader that would go in and tell Iran what’s what, because Obama would not and for good reason, by the way Barrack would not and I still agree with him that it was not it is not the right idea and they want to go into Iran and tell them what’s what and I’m not a fan of that now what’s going on between Saudi Arabia and Iran between them I mean, we I like the prince. I like the prince of Saudi Arabia and I do want a business relationship with them. Not I mean, not just as a nation, but also as Trump for my empire. I think they are a wonderful business ally of the USA and I think that they get easily distracted by their military maneuvers and Yemen, Qatar and all these other places.

So I think they would be a much, much even wealthier nation than they are. Then, if they didn’t keep kind of picking fights in places and getting mad that somebody said something bad about them, he’s more sensitive than I am in terms of those things, and he’s willing to use his military. Yeah, he’d be a happier guy if he just used Twitter. Say what he wanted to say vs that I want it’s that I want to win. win by me winning in this in this is where I’m trying to. I wish more people understood that I am the type of leader that whatever you put me in charge of I want it to win. I want the American people. That’s what the USA is, a nation of people. I want the people of the USA to win and my most well there are side effects right when I build a, you know, casino or whatever, there’s businesses that must be bought out and I of course going to look for the cheapest price but to me, USA winning doesn’t mean another country losing. So those that can’t that’s the best kind of deal. is where you both say, I gotta go deep. Right? Now it isn’t based on a lie. It’s based on who cares about what and what can what can we give you and you give us where we all walk away saying, Hey, that was we’re better because of this. So I think it’s odd that and just what’s happening in our schools where nobody sees the smartest people in the country and in the world don’t seem to understand that me saying USA winning doesn’t mean me saying everyone else has to lose the best kind of win is Everybody winning So that’s my main motivation is to win, now Do I look good when I win? Yes. Yes, I love but the reason I look good is because I won it’s so there. There’s a mischaracterization of that part, too. I, yeah. He just said Oho, I take issue with the fact that I that I don’t give them any credit. I do believe we have as Americans, some of the best health care in the world. I mean, princes, kings, queens, from other some of the wealthiest countries in the world, they come to America, for health care, they don’t go to Canada, they don’t go to the UK, and they have all the money in the world to buy anything they want and they come to the USA because of our healthcare because of our surgeons, because, you know, that’s where they go and New York City, a lot of them right.

The pharmaceutical industry is a part of, it’s a, we’re so good at that. Right. We are so good at recognizing a cure, a remedy, etc. I, one of the sensitivities I have that I don’t know if you’re referring to specifically but I have a problem and I see it as a weakness when I’m in my brother with his addictions, right? and I’m very bothered by the fact that the pharmaceutical industry, in my opinion has not done its fair share of responsibility for minimizing the impact of addictive drugs and when you when you look at the behind, you know, the behind the scenes story of compensation for physicians and writing scripts and recommending addictive drugs, and they knew they were highly addictive in situations of vulnerable, you know, veterans and things like this, they should have known better, and that my sense is they did know better and they didn’t care. So capitalism to me comes with a huge amount of responsibility for ethics and integrity, and thinking past just that, you know, profit cycle and that reporting window and I feel like the opioid, opioid and fentanyl and all of that epidemic I do place blame on the pharmaceutical industry.

So I’m mad at them, frankly, about that and I those are Americans, right. Those are like I said, that’s what we are is our Americans and the fact that that’s not only a crisis for us in the USA, that we’ve exploited this crisis as well makes me mad, that they should have known better they should have managed this better. I blame the FDA in some ways too because they had access to the same data. Well, most of it anyway. There was some info with how to get things approved. Yeah, yeah. Okay, I didn’t know that interesting. Anyway, so there’s that part of it that you’re probably seeing more of right now. But I feel more credit for the pharmaceutical industry that I’m currently conveying because I’m so mad at them about this issue and what good is an American workforce if it’s addicted, and its impact on families, and then social welfare and all these things it’s going to be horrible and very expensive and completely, it was completely avoidable. It was 100% avoidable crisis. but you asked about the industry. I mean, speaking of as Jill because it’s Pfizer, right. If I were Pfizer, I would be talking a lot about how upset it is with the crisis. I mean, seriously, why not do a public service campaign or something? Yeah, exactly. That should They don’t want to hear it. Anything else for Trump? Did you read? Did you read the conversation? Did you read the call transcript?

So you read the transcript between myself and the Ukrainian president? I’ll talk about that in a second. But, but do you know that you read the script or no. Okay. The call transcript is about maybe a page and a half of me being my flattering self of the Ukrainian president and him being very flattering of me, as the USA president, and me asking him to take more seriously and help us with food from and a non USA Energy Center worked during the 2016 campaign to manipulate voters and misinformed voters. That’s what I asked him. What is now been, what has now happened is that and he is smiling at me because I didn’t know why I was looking at this two days ago, and he couldn’t have had this conversation had I not had these little factoids. when I had a call with the leader of Australia, more towards the beginning of my presidency, that information about that private call, and I do have private conversations that are not needed. I mean, they’re meant to be kept within the White House. Most people within the White House would know that.

But there’s such a piecemeal frenzy about anything from the White House, that would not be public knowledge. There are I have a much higher incidence of information that should be kept within the White House leaked from the White House because of the hate factory against me. So that was, that was over a year ago that this private call from one nation leader to another that information was leaked after that, All of my conversations with other leaders are put, are held as secret by CIA documentation rules and are not public because I can’t trust my own staff. you’d have to read the actual transcript in order to know, not a context and it said this versus just know this is what was said. Anyway, so because of that I this conversation between myself and the Ukrainian president was not public. But somebody that thought they knew what was said, but didn’t know what was said. Because after the Australian conversation, and I do trust those that did know what was said. So somebody that didn’t know what was said, told somebody in the CIA and the CIA trusted their source that they knew and they didn’t know and they became the whistleblower. So the whistleblower then said, hey, we’ve got a problem. There was an inappropriate illegal conversation that the that Trump had with the Ukrainian president. He doesn’t know. So we have the one of the very first time so the whistleblower being a whistleblower based on secondhand information, and it is being now used against a group that has wanted to impeach me from the moment they got elected.

So the fact I mean it this is this is nothing if this becomes an impeachable if any branch of government ends up if any aspect of the House and the Senate ends up impeaching me for this second hand whistleblower information when they already have the facts, because I told my staff to release the facts because I know I have nothing to hide. It’ll, it will not surprise me, but it will be another sense of how unjust our justice system is. there’s nothing in those transcripts. There’s nothing there. But no not everybody does know Jill. Oh no no no no no there’s a lot of people that are that are totally believing that this is going to be what we can finally get to impeach him and they’ll never see that there was nothing illegal. What’s he just he just said there should be a reading of Chelsea Chelsea Ben because he you’re asking in this is fair and I get his point and I just want to say to everybody because I was very clear what he just said and I mean, I appreciate his intelligence. He said your, she’s asking you, They hate me and the reason they hate me is because their constituents hate me and my sense is as Trump that they all hate me based on a ton of mischaracterizations and misinformation and I actually don’t mind being hated, but I would rather be hated for something I actually did and actually said and actually thought, but this I guess people are just happy being haters and I’m not going to expect much from them as Americans anyway. So yeah. and I hate social welfare, I hate social welfare. Not because I hate people that because it to me, it’s basically saying, I know you can’t do any better than this. Let me give you a handout and I think that is the worst thing to do for anybody that needs social welfare, the portion of the population that has, you know, cerebral palsy or something like that, where they’re even them. I would love to be able to interact and have it have somebody that knows that is an expert and has professional ethics that could stay with them. Is there anything that you would want to offer your community?

Is there anything where we can help you feel as valuable as you are? That is me as Donald my heart No one, hardly anyone will see that about me. To me social welfare is a is as bad as an addictive, as bad as an opioid. So and now I’m speaking as Jill so because I’m the one that chose the term step one. So when we say step one, what we’re talking about as they came up in the ascension series, in I think December 2018, what they were doing was okay, there’s your infinite self, which can speak in a very, you know, oh yeah, we understand this human and we understand the all that is so we can speak up at all levels, and whether it’s a levels, right and then there’s the human self, which is operating amidst its human consciousness and then we came up with this term sub one to refer to a version of consciousness, but it’s not at the infinite self, so it can feel an act and respond more as the human self. But it is more informed than this than that. It’s like the psychiatrist. It’s like the best psychiatrist but it doesn’t see both because it you know, because it’s it well, it can but it’s not speaking from that voice of the infinite self, which is a little bit too high up or expanded sometimes to get the content the gist of the matter going on. The Mid South is sometimes we like someone better because we’re trying to get out of anything with higher lower bid because, you know, there’s still this there’s this, the brain keeps wanting to go higher is above me and lower is beneath me when it’s an accordion range of this much more accurate in describing what the energy profile is a narrow, skinny closed accordion cannot play music and a narrow skinny energy profile that is not aware and has no human consciousness, Human Consciousness connection to his infinite self is a very it’s sipping the ocean out of a straw. Right? So we love narrow, skinny, wide expanded.

So we picked sub one because it has no North south east west sort of connotation to it. Yeah. Does that answer your question about someone? Yeah. your sub one. No, the human consciousness doesn’t have access to it. That’s exactly right. That’s right. Do you remember? Do you remember earlier when I said people are giving him too much credit? That’s exactly what I’m referring to. So when some people are asking, you know, does he, is he a catalyst? You know, which is a great question and, you know, is he the catalyser for this nation or for this world, right, it’s given that’s giving you too much credit. You see what I’m saying? So the reason we went to sub one level is because the sub one level knows the subconscious urges drives, drivers and motivators and that’s why from a psych psychologists perspective, what we gave you is the most relevant information in terms of who this man is, and what makes him tick. That doesn’t mean he has to be aware of it. Okay, so we were giving you the broader context that he can’t articulate, because he doesn’t allow himself to go that deep, because going that deep to him is an emotional distraction. It’s a highly sensitive area that would distract him from feeling like the winner he wants to be. he is a hot mess. It shouldn’t take away from anything that we said or anything that you see. We’re trying to add more context to what you see and what you see is not all there is. Does that make sense? So it’s almost like we have tried to give you a psychological or psychiatric profile of what’s going on there and I know for me as Jill when I heard it, I’m like, this is good news. Oh, to me it 100% does, but it could be that I understand the process where of what’s going on here. So if you got a psychiatric profile of Trump, you would be pleased. You’ve got Oh, that’s good news. Okay.

So when we go at the team level, it’s about Oh, there’s so many other possibilities also for what this person could be and that’s one of the advantages of going at the end of the sub one level, it’s not thinking it’s not it’s frame is not there’s another version of Donald Trump. That never ran for office didn’t, then the country wasn’t as divided, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It doesn’t go there because it doesn’t matter. It’s more rooted in reality and it’s helping the bigger context of why things are happening the way they are, why things look the way they do. why somebody did what they did, without their knowledge, because if we ask Donald Trump today, why did you say that you can grab anyone’s pussy anytime you want. He would not say I was trying to be one of the guys with Billy. Yeah, he would not say that. I mean, he was stupid enough as his human Donald Trump to think that was an intelligent, appropriate thing to say with a journalist. I mean, like, even JFK, or LB, you know, Lyndon Lyndon Johnson would be like, you don’t say that to a journalist unless you’re having a sickie. You know, you know and a whiskey. You idiot. You’re running for office, right? and there was a different code of ethics at that time of JFK and Lyndon. Okay and if we this is another thing that frustrated by the way, if we were more aware of what those what other presidents are also including Barack, he was never shown with a cigarette in his mouth. Ever. Right? Maybe once, right. So this it’s just so frustrating that I get so much shit when all these other presidents got all these passes all the time, I’m not a philanderer, right? Do I grab women inappropriately when I shouldn’t? Whether I think they like it because sometimes they think they do. Right? or not, right? I mean. it’s interesting.

When we were talking about the social welfare, right? He was saying that’s one of the main reasons he wouldn’t run as a Democrat. Because that is such a tool for them of goodness, social welfare, and he just sees that whole system is so broke. Oh my God. Oh, sorry. Okay. I don’t want to miss this part. Okay, good. That’s another reason I’m letting him speak again. That’s another reason why the democrats hate me so much. Had I won as a Democrat, I would be their best hero. They wouldn’t have talked about what I said to Billy Bush that would never be addressed that would never be made public. They would protect me like they protected Barack smoking. Right. I would get a pass on a whole bunch of things because I was on their side representing their interest. I couldn’t and wouldn’t run as a Democrat not because I could win because the know what I could have won, but I was mad at them for how they treated me at that.

That breakfast, the press, national press corps event that was what made me decide to run anyway. But then I wouldn’t follow the DNC platform of what they were running on and so I just I could have run as an independent, but I actually didn’t think I could win. Because the political machine involved you have to pick one of the major parties and I wanted to win, surprise, surprise. So I chose the republicans and I was actually surprised that they welcomed me. The only reason they welcome to me was because I am a capitalist and they’re there and it because I’m a hard worker and because I love to win, and the republicans tend to like that I wouldn’t have one without Pence. I needed Pence for the christian right. I’m actually for He just said, he just said hang on before you say this out loud and I’m asking him because he just told me something. He’s like, I’ll just go ahead and say it. I’m actually pro choice. If my wife or my children and I have had women in my life that have had abortions and I am pro choice, the only reason I, I am aligning with pro life right now, anti abortion, legislation and rules is because I am being loyal to the base that elected me, who are mainly Republicans, and who’s in charge of the republican party as of now are the christian right. That should not be the case if the if the capitalists were not oligarchs, the capitalists, not crony capitalism, actual business that solves problems and does not is not anti environment is not anti, you know, customer, actual capitalists. If they were in charge of the Republican Party, it would win all the time. It would win all the time. if one of my children at any time came to me and said, I’m an I am homosexual, or am I am transgender, I would say awesome.

What do you want to share with the world? How do you want to be productive in the world? Because I don’t look at them as a victim and I have a huge problem with any class or identification that uses it as a sense of I need more services because of this and that’s a that’s another big problem I have with those that tend to be called themselves liberal, is what they seem to be saying is I’m pro victim and making somebody that isn’t a victim into a victim. So I think that’s just I think it’s totally ridiculous. Sorry, I interrupted you there. I want to make America better. I do, I really want to make America better.

I have ideas for how I could do that, like we were talking about. They’re very pro business and pro relationship and pro Win Win situations and non militant and non victimization non victimizing strengthening of individual character and hard work and value, personal value sense of value placement to society. That would be a I mean, am I an asshole too in unlikable ways. Yeah, but you know what most great leaders are and most great capitalists were too Rockefeller was a complete asshole. Oh my God, Trump senior was, If you hated me, you would have hated him. He was insensitive. He wasn’t as yeah, he was very insensitive and disconnected. Yeah. He wanted to win no matter what. I want to win, but I want to win based on everybody winning and I don’t get credit for that. So my legacy, but I would like to be called right. doing deals, doing deals, that’s it, doing deals and having access to other potential kind of deal makers and partners that I didn’t have access to. Even as I was running, I never would have been able to meet with Vladimir Putin and it’s not that I am starry eyed about Vladimir Putin. I have some man crush on him like some people are saying it’s that what a wonderful ally Russia could be and that would change world global politics.

If the USA and Russia could become allies on any level, that would be a win win for everybody. Yeah. Good. That’s why it took a little while to connect with them. I was figuring out what he was willing and then he said, well, I’ll let my sub one speak. So yeah, there are in the way I come across most often this in a private session, if somebody has like a loved one, or an ex, or child, you know, child or something, and I’m like, this one’s a little resistant there, and they not into this kind of work and normally that’s the case and they’ll be like, yeah, my husband’s not into this at all and I’m like, well, I’ll see what they’re willing to share and then others that doesn’t, even though they’re not as they’re human into any of this they willingly like, Oh, yeah, please tell her that. So tell them that. Yeah. So yeah, good question. There’s no bad questions. Oh, that’s true. We and I definitely come across a lot of individuals that take synchronicity and symbolism and things like that as a sign of something that it means something that you know, you know, they thought about a Greece trip, and then oh my gosh, I got an email about a Greece trip. I meant to go, you know, that kind of thing. That that’s an unfortunate linking of things that happened to go together, but doesn’t necessarily mean I guess, or though or you should or you shouldn’t. Right.

So we did do another podcast on this and I’m happy to cover it again. Because if you still have a question, there’s another opportunity to go in there again. So just because things happen to go together happen to match. It literally doesn’t mean any one thing. So those that are kind of waiting for a sign, like, you know, is this man the right one, or is this the right job or should I quit my job or whatever, and there’s going to waiting for a sign and then like to tell them what to do. Our biggest problem with it is that all of the power is in these external events, versus what do you want to do and to you, but logically and rationally and pragmatically feel like that is a possibility that makes sense to you, given the risks that you can assess and the probabilities involved and any other research you can do is a much better upgraded way to go through life rather than having a sign dictate to you what you do or don’t do. There’s a lot of people that have amazing lives that have made really well informed and sometimes lucky choices that don’t have any synchronicities of any note. Or, you know, they’re not their life isn’t filled with, you know, 11 11 on the clock or anything like that and then there’s other people that have lives filled with synchronicities and serendipity and things like that, and their lives don’t go well at all. They have, you know, relationships, they’re lacking in relationships that they desire. their career isn’t what they want, their income isn’t what they want, their living situation isn’t what they want. So it doesn’t mean what people think it means. But the other hand, it’s fun. It’s fun, given how much chaos and randomness and unpredictability there is, in your world, that there are some things that’s like, Oh, that’s fun, right? but we’re not into the whole number synchronicity thing that 11 11 means a certain thing or 555 means a certain thing. We definitely do not believe in that. This is different, yeah. I mean, the timing of that is just so good. Yeah, it’s so good. I mean, to us it means you living in a state of joy and receiving as much as a sense of wholeness even with your husband on the other side, not that you didn’t have wholeness over the last two years. But there’s a fun that joyfulness in the in the idea that hey, like, you know, it’s exciting, right? You’re excited about it. You had an immediate sort of, Oh, yeah, that’s so good. So that’s a positive meaning that’s not taking you away from anything else was not a distraction. It’s a further layer of excitement in your life and that’s wonderful for you to have in your life. You do have an exciting, beautiful life. Yeah, so we would put it in a more general category than that, like that than a specific oh, it means this and it happened here because of this and you were meant to be or something like that we would, we would sort of restrain ourselves from going down that route. But it is amazing and you get to decide what it means to you, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They are exclusive. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you could have serendipitous bad luck, right.

You can have synchronicity, bad luck, right with a certain person whenever something horrible happens. You know, like you missed the movie, or oh, we missed the dinner reservation and it’s always with the same person. You see what I mean? So, there is then it’s more of a pattern than it is a synchronicity or a serendipity, I know somebody that I don’t want to say too much, because I don’t know what we’re doing with this recording. But there is somebody that I’ve hung out with before and every time that she, there’s something about her energy field, and maybe the way that she experiences spirituality that she has an interest in. I want to say like the ghostly and negative kind of ghostly things and, you know, when anything kind of like, Oh, God, you know, what’s this wave of negativity that’s coming? It’s always when she’s there. It’s really, really weird and other people have noticed it too.

So there’s something about her energy that is attracting or she’s attracting or something, some sort of force that is disruptive to goodness and to things going smoothly. Yeah, and she’s lovely. I mean, lovely inside lovely outside. I don’t know maybe some of us just know people like that. That they’re just a bit of a black cloud, They’re not being negative. There’s just some sort of like, curse of energy around them and it’s so sad. Yeah. Yeah, what else related to that? So it’s a good topic. Well, luck visiting you. I like that expression. first I wasn’t sure about that and then I’m like, no, it actually works because it is kind of like a visitor that you can’t plan. This is why we’re hesitating. Because we observe a lot of really well intended, very, divinely, you know, conscious individuals trying to get in a flow or stay in a flow or get in the flow and stay in the flow as if they’re like, I want to be in the river going with the stream, or no, I’m in the stream and I’m going against the stream or I’m on the rocky shore and I’m going to crash because the shore there’s all these senses of Oh, if it’s hard right now, I’m doing it wrong. I must be out of the flow and sometimes life is just hard, and there is no flow. Right? So the sense of if you feel like you’re getting banged against a rocky shore, we feel like it’s a wrong interpretation to say, Oh, I’m out of the flow. I’m off the river with sometimes the river doesn’t go anywhere. Sometimes the river has an Eddie and it just kind of spins, right it isn’t there’s no, there’s no forward momentum. that’s why we’re hesitating. But there are many people in a flow that to them, they feel wonderful, and it feels like there’s a synchronicity and there’s the serendipity and yet they’re piling up debt, you know, they’re, they’re going on every trip they want to go on. They’re saying yes to everything. Everything they think the universe is offering them, and after a few years, they’re like, Well shit we’re done here. Here’s the financial statement. here’s, here’s, you know the income, how am I going to get out of this mess? Right? So flow doesn’t mean and sometimes can be misinterpreted as temporary, like irrationality and impracticality that eventually woke up with you, in this reality health too, right, I can eat whatever I want is a great diet and then all of a sudden, two years later, it’s like, you know, whatever health problems are starting to accumulate that weren’t there, you know, two years ago when they ate a certain way that was great for them, or when they did dedicate, you know, five hours a week to going to the gym or going on a hike or getting steps in or whatever.

So it’s complicated, right? in terms of what’s a good life and then the other thing we would also want to add is that, I mean, living a good life and having a joyful life and having a pleasant life is there are so many possibilities that sometimes when somebody thinks of it as being in the flow or a flow. It makes it seem like there’s some predestined course to the river that you’re supposed to be on. Versus it’s okay to get out of the river and hike up a mountain just to see what’s there. Just try something out and be dry and arid and have to walk you know. So we just, it’s not like, is it Nietzsche? That said life is meant for suffering or something. It’s not that life is meant for suffering. But life is also not meant to be easy. Life is not human life, especially there’s not a mark for it to be flowing and straightforward and if you’re just in some zone, then it’s like, Oh, it’s so easy here. That’s if somebody is in that state of bliss. We guarantee you, it’s temporary. But some people have luckier seem to have luckier lives than others. They just do. But that it would to us it would be any, it would be incorrect to assume that they must be in some sort of flow. But it is Yeah, Metatron just said, now let me make it really confusing. When you are not resisting the way this reality works, it can feel like a flow and that’s what Jill does. She’s not expecting to avoid disease. She’s not expecting to not age. She’s not expecting to never lose a loved one. She’s not expecting to live forever, right? She’s not expecting to always have an abundance, right?

So there’s a way that you can interact with this reality as it is and therefore be in a better state of flow. The other key to it Oh no, this is the other key to it is not taking things personally, especially negative things, right, back when she got ran into the parking lot, No, he literally ran into her. She was doing nothing wrong, except being in a parking lot, right? So not taking bad luck personally is another great way to stay in that state of grace where things are easier. Things are made harder and if people can think, Oh, I’m out of the flow, when they are analyzing everything, right? So if there is a flow to speak of, it would be a flow with what is? Yeah. So if I, if I were resisting the fact that my heart is acting in a, in a supposedly unnatural, non statistical way, then I would be resisting what is and I would have much probably more side effects and a sense of dis ease than I do. But I’m allowing my heart to do what it’s doing and I’m saying in my heart is doing this. Am I okay? Yes, I’m okay. Because my checklist of what’s okay and what feels okay. Yeah. Does that lead to another question Its complex though. Yeah. Good luck. Good luck Good luck and bad luck is a random occurrence. where some people don’t want to admit that there’s anything random here. Yeah and that’s a problem that’s resisting. Can you give us an example of a certain person or a certain life It’s sort of like if you order a brand new car, and you can pick the color or you can pick the make, you can pick the model. You can pick the features, but you’re not picking where it’s going to go, or how it’s going to be driven. Right. Well, think about it, you’re picking your race. You’re picking your genetics, you’re picking your wealth, at least your starting point or lack thereof. You’re picking whether they’re educated or not, you’re picking whether they live in the countryside and that sort of a country life or whether it’s a very urban you know, hustle bustle, Sort of high energy sort of existence. If you have a mother that has tendencies towards mental illness, or father that maybe an alcoholic or something, you kind of know what oh, okay, that’s gonna That could be wild. Right?

So there are so that’s a big that choice alone has so many components to it. Their tendencies which, which, you know, a parent that doesn’t have kids yet can say they’re going to be a certain type of parent and then they’re not getting that kind of parent. So along with the parents, birthplace, birth time, there’s also the ability to see flash points of possible scenarios, given its sort of, yeah. This is hard to describe because the future hasn’t happened yet. But somehow they have a way of saying Okay, so this is a possible scenario so you get possible flashes and you also get certain statistical things in it like a dossier. Almost of okay now with this parents with this birthday this birth time, there is an 80% chance that you will not live to 30 or that there’s a, you know, 80% chance to live to 110 you know what I mean? So there’s different things like that that’s what a deja vu is a deja vu everybody using the same language about deja vu and what that term means to us deja vu is that one of the flashes that you saw before you incarnated actually happens. It’s not that you’ve been there before or that it’s happened before or that there’s another life related to this. It’s that you actually saw flash that happened. It doesn’t mean also that Oh, I’m in the right place at the right time. Because there is no right place and right time, per se, there’s not one, So that’s why there’s that eerie sort of holographic sort of familiarity with it. That’s the way like, this is really weird, but that’s what that is. That’s why it’s so personal and so supernatural feeling and it’s the time works in a different way. So okay, let’s take I feel like we should take an example. Yeah. So there are people I know not through my work, but just in general, that were curious about This person I know chose very low educated parents. They both graduated from high school but nothing after that. Born in the Midwest, Actually no born in the West, Western Pacific states of the USA fairly good income, you know, hard working dad, very dramatic mother and the dad has a very, you know, there’s no one year plan. There’s no five year plan. There’s no five day plan. There’s just like, let’s just see what today have let’s just see what happens today. There’s no savings account. There’s no college savings plan for this kid and when you ask him, this, this young man now, you know, what do you what do you want to do with your life? He’s like, Oh, I don’t live my life that way.

I just, you know, I’m just taking one day at a time. You know, he’s got this big old smile on his face. This kid loves people, like hardly anyone I know. He is just a sensitive young man. He is a beautiful person. He loves to have fun. He works to support his family and that’s all he wants. He doesn’t expect a new car probably ever in his life. So his material expectations are low and he’s able to meet them and he has a great life by his standards, right? So when I look at his kind of purpose, it’s, I just want to see what it’s like right now on Earth Yeah, now me right so then when I contrast that with someone like me that’s like, okay, so Earth has got some things that are really fucked up. I want to go in and see if I can help those that are connected to their light in a more natural way help them feel that more strongly help them trust themselves more deeply and more consistently. So I came in and I mean, look at how I have myself right I think  I’m all water signs Pisces, Scorpio and cancer. So I just like bubbling up all the time and yeah, they pick very conservative parents In a lot of ways, not so much my mom is actually very, they’re both very socially liberal. So a very stable life financially. We’ve never had a ton of money but we never worried about money and then my husband is Leo with a lot of Taurus. So I don’t have to worry about a lot of things right. There’s a lot of structure in my life that’s taken care of that I don’t have to think about which frees me up to do work like this, right. my older sisters basically ignored me.

So there’s all those factors that I can see worked perfectly for me then when I decided which I do believe it was a decision to do this kind of work was oh this is perfect. I don’t listen to anyone else anyway. So there’s a sense of kind of bull headedness, and now I think this is right and I don’t mean to tell anyone with what is right for them. But I want to be super crystal clear about what I think is right. That’s my job. How they, whether they agree or disagree is completely up to them. I don’t have a judgment either way, but I have a really strong opinion either way. So I guess that’s one, two examples, there of something different. So when I see someone that’s not on their spiritual path, I’m not worried about them. I’m not thinking, oh my God, you’re doing it wrong. But I don’t I mean, I think I have a, I have a very more kind of specific purpose. You guys may feel bad about yourself. So there’s a bit more purpose to it. But nobody came to Earth to be a lawyer. No infinite self said, I’m going to be a lawyer. You know what I mean? So, or even a doctor necessarily, but some say I want to, I want to help people feel better. I want to make sure I bring in aspects of healing and alchemy, but that can show up in so many different ways. Right? That can be a vet that can be a psychiatrist, that could be a doctor that can be you know, a Reiki Master. I mean, there’s just so many ways I can be a teacher or a mother Of how many kids? 14 Kids You know, there’s just anyway. Yeah, what else? That’s good. Did it clarify? Did it answer? Okay.

There’s just so much freedom and possibility here. So it’s interesting that in my sessions, as all of you guys know, there’s this sense of Let me help you describe what kind of car you’ve got here. You know what I mean? You’ve got a classic 1950 Oldsmobile, you know, or a Chevy pickup, that’s meant to go for miles and miles down a bumpy road with no problem at all, you know, reliable, durable, you know, takes care of business, or somebody like you were a flashy Ferrari and I never used car metaphors in sessions, but I probably could, right It’s almost like they say, but where am I supposed to drive? Yeah. You know, it’s like, oh, you know, it’s great. without, without overthinking it, yeah, maybe I should do that. Readings by car choice. and the car is a choice, right and there’s still that even if you have the Ferrari and you’re going 20 miles an hour on the interstate, because you’re conservative. You still have a Ferrari Yeah, it’s in storage. Yeah, that’s good. Yeah, what else? Good stuff. I think we’re getting close.