Spirit Source:  Mother Mary

Below is additional information that was shared via automatic writing.  I had a list of questions and Mary served as the primary responder, often providing additional information and context.  As before, some of her information was unprompted.  I found her answers very intriguing and thought-provoking.  Enjoy!

I asked Spirit about dimensions.  Physicists in modern times are often discussing the best definition for the word.  For our purposes here, the best-suited definition for dimension may be:  a level of existence or consciousness.

How many dimensions are there?  Answer:  “For now, we’ll share that there are 26.

Each dimension has its own energetic vibration, like a frequency.  Certain dimensions are more naturally suited to certain beings/souls/entities.  It is like a natural force – for any dimension, there are beings that sort of hover/operate most naturally within this vibration.

A being’s most natural dimension, whether it be 3rd, 5th, 9th, etc. is determined by many factors.  One’s experiences, throughout their journeys, wherever they may have been, plays a role.  Also, a being’s breadth and depth of impact on its own energy and the energy surrounding them, both near and “far” is another factor that affects what dimension it most closely resonates with.  Both factors are the result of a being’s capacity to receive and offer love to every aspect of matter in its awareness (conscious, unconscious, 3rd dimension, “other” dimension, Earthly matter, non-Earthly matter, etc., etc.).  Limited/constrained ability to receive and offer love, limits your dimensional “reach”.

For example, a being operating primarily in the 3rd dimension is mostly reacting to the surrounding energy.  They may start out their day in a great mood and then the first unpleasant occurrence breaks their positive outlook, sending them into a negative state of mind from which they may seem unable to break free.  Thoughts are energy.  Be mindful of what your mind is full of…  What thoughts are you allowing into your mental space?  Choose to think about and consider negative, fear-based aspects of you and your surroundings and you are energetically attracting more of this fear and negativity to you.  Do you want to be a magnet for positive, loving energy or do you want to be a magnet for depressing, defeating energy?

A being functioning primarily in higher dimensions masters control of their own energyand takes action to positively affect others’ energy.  It is like the sun which shines light on everything within its expansive reach.  It does so from its own internal power source (Divine Spirit, the same that is within all of us).  It does so unconsciously, just by be-ing the Sun.  We can also do so, just by be-ing a soul having a human experience.  In the higher dimensions, a being serves to raise the energetic vibration of everything within its awareness, not only for its own well being but for the well being of the collective whole.  For human beings, a higher dimensional vibration means sharing love not only to its household but to its city, to its country, to its planet, to its spiritual teachers not in physical form, and to all dimensions just by its be-ing.

Love and positive change/growth can and does happen at every dimension (e.g. vibration level) – all are part of the greater whole, Divine Spirit, the collective of all “light” beings universally.  Each energetic vibration, each dimension has a unique role to play.  Try not to “rank” or “prioritize”.   Just like the higher and lower notes on a musical scale, each are beautiful and unique.  Each dimension and their associative beings are uniquely valuable, deserving respect, appreciation, encouragement, prayer and gratitude.  This helps their energy be glorified and expanded which benefits all beings, all dimensions – the collective whole expands as a result.”

Can a soul exist in more than one dimension at the same “time”?

Answer:  “As aspects of Divine Spirit we are indeed multidimensional beings, existing in multiple dimensions simultaneously.  The soul is boundless in its ability to be affected, affect and experience other dimensions above and below its “natural” dimension.  Not unlike the conscious self in humans which is simultaneously in the third dimension and, hopefully, moving into the fourth and fifth and higher levels of consciousness.  Additionally, an incarnated soul also includes its higher self, existing simultaneously in multiple dimensions.  As lightworkers in pursuit of expanding their consciousness, these beings are reaching for the higher dimensions.  Please note they are not leaving any of the lower dimensions; rather they are truly increasing the various aspects of their existence, broadening their experiences, their awareness, their truths and their understanding.  For those choosing this type of journey, we applaud your efforts and expect you will be very satisfied and joyful with the experience.

The biggest challenge is the conscious soul’s ability to attain its highest potential dimension while remaining in human form.  I asked why.  Answer:  So many distractions away from the soul’s true purpose, true intent.  Karma and life purpose are all tightly integrated into this concept.”

If you’d like a response to your own questions or to schedule a private reading, please contact me at jill@beacon4lightworkers.com.
