Practitioner’s Group Coaching Session

Audio recording is here:

Questions asked and answered in this call

From Natasha:

Which opportunities should I take in putting myself out there, where should I be seen? What’s best for me right now.. need to focus my scattered energy atm to pinpoint a starting point.

From Kimberly:

I find myself jumping around (like a professional dabbler) from interest to interest. I initially like many things, try them, and get bored very quickly. From the outside world this could look like I’m lost, too picky or unfocused. I don’t think that’s it. I held a previous career (teaching martial arts) for 25 years, Do I keep trying new ideas or try to make myself stop this pattern?

From Karen:

When dowsing I ask to connect at the highest level, I do this for friends – Sometimes for referred people …I have sometimes connected at Galacric council level / lately I get the feeling they are one and the same ..- am I right ?

From Ella:

I feel like all 3 ideas [from my session with you yesterday] I have need me to wake up my brain and do more research on before I ‘’go for it’’ – developmental theory and children and breath work and the voice.

But these are huge subjects and the moment I start research mode, I feel like I am looking into a bottomless pit and get overwhelmed.

Any tips on how to research and allow it to be more containable and less chaotic? TOO much research also sets me up to lose momentum. Any thoughts? How to relax my brain and create a little order before I just go for it?

The shared comment thread from the Christ Consciousness Upgrade Templates Package is below, for your reference, and that course is available for your consideration here.

From Laurie, upon hearing in the referenced course that we are not here to awaken humanity and that it is not recommended to expect humanity to awaken, nor “ascend:”

This is disappointing to me because I don’t understand why I, my Laurie light, chose to come to earth as a healer if it doesn’t help shift or make the world a better place. Why bother assisting anyone or anything when our planet is just going to remain in it’s fucked-up versions of darkness? My blood is boiling right now and I am sweating profusely as I am sensing the layers of anger and frustration within me.

In reply to Laurie:

Laurie, let me let Jesus answer this: “Yes, that anger is important and I’m glad you are letting yourself feel it and express it. Right next to it is the truth… another reason why you actually incarnated, which is very much why I incarnated, as a fellow healer. Healers and other gifted individuals were offered a template that had some major distortions in it. As my Jesus, I didn’t incarnate because I wanted to heal the world. I incarnated because I love humanity, I love that world and wanted to be my Christ Consciousness in a world I love, to offer my Source energy to it, to be me and my light. I didn’t have the expectation it would change, upgrade nor heal the world or change an age. And in many ways I didn’t. The world even now in many ways doesn’t even look like I had been there. But we keep incarnating. Not because we have to. That love… that you and I and the others here have, is deeper than we can imagine. It leads us to want to be love, there, and we make ourselves a human, that we get to be, to do that. Now, the distortion happened in many groups of light workers, telling them a very grand story about incarnating to shift an age, incarnating to heal the planet, incarnating to make the world what it was “supposed to be.” When we showed Jill that that wasn’t true, she had to sit with that for a minute. I think she even said, Oh that is not fair, they’ve been lied to… do they know that there are other reasons to incarnate, that don’t have anything to do with the world awakening? And we said, well if they don’t know, you could try and tell them. And here we are. The anger is real. You did incarnate and it was for divine, sacred reasons. Let’s detach it from a template that was distorted. It will help the light and love and sacredness of you flow more freely, authentically and with wider frequency, because it is aligned with truth. We understand how the lies and distortions were created. Sort of like on a road trip if the destination is 5 hours away and some parents want to make their fussy kids feel better so they tell them they are getting closer, or even almost there. It is done in love and with positive intent. But that doesn’t mean it is true. Jill was willing to be the type of messenger and fellow leader who leads alongside, vs. in front, not pretending to be a parental force and not interested in lies. Those lies of the previous templates have been told by many, and for most of them, they don’t know they are lying. They aren’t allowing themselves the vibrational frequency to see the truer view, the views that all at their Source energy have… where choices to incarnate are made all the time, that have nothing to do with pretending to save a planet or heal the world. I hope that helps. Take your time with it. The bigger the deception, the more time and space are valuable to explore the anger, resentment, possible embarrassment some feel when they’ve been lied to and they believed it. You are a divine healer. This truth doesn’t change that. It may help you become an even more satisfied healer in your world, with improved authenticity and a clearer view of what the world is and isn’t. Please stop back by tomorrow or even in a couple days. Please don’t let the anger block out the love and light you are. Your team, which includes me, is right there, right next to the anger, ready for you to let it go if you want to. We are here, even more clearly in the truth of these truths, ready for you to try on these new templates. – Love Jesus, and Jill”

Update from Laurie a few hours later, which she gave me permission to share here with you:

“Hi Jill (and Jesus),

Thank you so very much for taking the time to answer my “perfect insight/question”! While I was listening to the recordings, I was truly feeling my human Laurie’s sadness and anger bubbling up from within while the truth of this reality sunk into my bones. And because you asked us to pause and answer that question, I was able to feel and express these emotional layers of density quite passionately, as you probably felt in my words as well. Thank you for asking us to do that because I was able to release some much-needed tears, which I likely would have suppressed if you hadn’t asked us to stop and reply to the question!

Thanks again, Jill and Jesus, as I am eternally grateful for your love and support!

Love and hugs,
