I request your participation in holding the intention, feeling and expectation for Tibet to be a free and sovereign nation, ending Chinese occupation, within or before Nov. 11, 2011.  This date was provided to me from my guides earlier this year and I appreciate your assistance in manifesting this vision into reality.

The time and flow feel right for this momentous occasion.  I don’t know how it will occur but I trust it will by our power and by our love.  Being a powerful energetic vortex for Earth, the freedom and sovereignty of Tibet will provide a wonderful release for Earth and all of us who love her.

A guided meditation, if desired, to assist is below.

Imagine a white light completely enveloping you, every cell of your body and all layers of your energetic bodies.  Be present in your Divine center, the real you.  Enjoy that space, experiencing its love, its peace, its power.  From that consciousness:

“Divine Creator, God/Goddess and all higher dimensional energies who are willing to contribute, we ask for your assistance in granting freedom to our beloved area of Tibet by 11/11/11.  We hold in our mind’s eye the beautiful landscape, people and energy that is Tibet.  We feel the rise in Gaia’s vibration as a result of freedom being restored for Tibet.  We send love and appreciation to all beings who have desired this freedom for so long.  We know that together our energy is very powerful, especially when it is organized for a powerful collective outcome such as this.   We envision freedom for Tibet by 11/11/11.  We foresee the news headlines on 11/11/11 or before reporting FREEDOM FOR TIBET and we feel joy, peace and love for humanity, for freedom and for Gaia.  Finally, we send love, compassion and appreciation to China, it’s wondrous lands, it’s government, it’s beautiful people for this historically significant event.  So be it.  And So it is.”


Jill Renee