JRF Subscriber’s February Message

Channeled Message from Mary Magdalene

Critical insights on one’s beliefs, how false belief structures can hinder our energy and our sense of connection to God. Upgrade provided.

Message is now available in recording to all subscribers via our premium portal. Recording is in audio and also in video formats.  This is a JRF subscriber message, part of our exclusive content ~ welcome to all who are called to more deeply support and be the Christ Consciousness we are in this world.

Access details available by signing in if you are already a subscriber or by acquiring your own JRF subscription here.

A focused connection experience followed by a channeled message from the team, including Metatron, Mary Magdalene and Jesus.

Main topic of this message addresses the important effects of our beliefs on our energy and lives and also in the afterlife, offering an upgraded belief structure that connects you closer to God.

Discussion afterwards led to deeper conversation on the topic of beliefs, discernment, whether humans are becoming more conscious (waking up) and the adjustment we feel when we realize that our sense of mission and purpose ideally serves us, not the other way around.

Humanity’s inherent supernatural layers have been forgotten. Let’s remember… who and what we are, and what this world is. Evolution starts here. 

We invite humanity into another spectrum of itself. We usher in a way for being divine while also being wholly human. Our messages regularly turn present day spiritual teachings on their heads.

We offer a unique perspective on enlightenment and awakening to help us know God more personally, feel God’s love more tangibly and then be more of God’s love and benevolence in this world, without expecting the world to change as a result. Spiritual seekers and personal development devotees regularly receive fresh insights and huge upgrades from our work, our teachings. But, we regularly contradict popular thought… not to be controversial, but rather to offer a cleaner, more energetically liberating approach for anyone pursuing a better life, a more authentically loving sense of self and a clearer view of self, this world and what it is, what it isn’t. In this message we poke quite intentionally and what we view as the flawed energetic structure of Law of Attraction. We also explain why we did so, to help us understand that what we believe matters and when we are trying to make something true that isn’t, there are energetic side effects that are negative. We also touched in the discussion section about global meditations and that the expectations of them are distorted. We suggested that it may be wise for participants in such affairs to instead devote that time to restoring their own light within via time for self in nature. How to pray was asked and beautifully responded to by Jesus. There is so much here to consider, savor and hopefully enjoy.

Cognitive dissonance is a very real experience, especially when being offered ideas that contradict with one’s present sense of reality. If you feel tired, zone out, that could be why, as your present self doesn’t have the framework to support the new ideas. If you feel emotionally triggered by this message, that is also a version of cognitive dissonance to be aware of. It is ok to get angry, especially when one might have been a part of distorted belief systems. We recommend making space for that emotion, while allowing yourself to possibly consider it. And then, these questions may be helpful for personal reflection:

  • “What if what is shared here is true?”
  • “What does that mean for me?”
  • “Am I ok with possibly having been confused or wrong?”
  • “Is my worth based on being right?”
    • “Who else am I judging in my life because [I had believed] they were wrong?”
  • “Am I angry with Jill or her team?”
  • “Why would that be?”
  • “What if they are the first ones telling me the truth?”
  • “What if doing that wasn’t easy, but it was done purely out of love, for me, for humanity and this world?”
  • “Am I open to a sense of self that is valuable, loved, worthy and purposeful no matter what I believe?

You are loved, no matter what you believe, no matter what you know, no matter how devoted to enlightenment or spirituality you are. This message and our other work supports that structure, for you and for all willing to hear it, live it, as their truth… of God’s love.

Message is now available in recording to all subscribers via our premium portal. Recording is in audio and also in video formats.

Access details available by signing in if you are already a subscriber or by acquiring your own JRF subscription here.

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