Enlightenment and a More Accessible Higher Self

Are you trying to connect to Source using outdated outside in spirituality? Inside out spirituality makes enlightenment so much easier.

Spirituality, consciousness, philosophy and psychology all try to help explain humanity, this world, why we are this way and what is possible. Sometimes theories are offered, that become beliefs. And these beliefs can work, sometimes for centuries, or longer. And then the weakness are observable. And new ideas, new theories are then offered. The goal with everything we do is for you to have immediate sustainable access to the source energy you are, making you feel more confident, more creative, more original and more capable as your self, your one, in this life, right now. This post below addresses the very important upgrade of where and how you are imagining source energy relative to your humanness.

It literally means light within

So why all the unusual language so readily found in enlightenment communities?

Why the focus on a “higher self” that’s… outside of you?

What is the need for the
galactic sun
to re-connect your human’s light body?

Throughout humanity’s experiencing Earth there have been methods for feeling connected to God, Source, pure love. Many methods have now been created, allowing everyone to have various approaches to try out.

And, new methods are created. Souls that incarnate for the purpose of inserting new methods for connecting to God’s pure love, light. Why a new method? Because the soul as part of Source recognizes there are improvements that can be made,
for humanity to more readily know, feel and access God’s love, compassion, restoration.

~ Easy Enlightenment ~
now can be an entirely inside job,
no galactic participation required,
no need for you to be anything other than exactly what you are.
The light of Source
made real, brought to life,

from the inside out of you.

That’s the new insertion. The results are nothing short of liberating.
Spiritual seekers get their lives back.
They can then talk about their beliefs in every day, understandable language, that more accurately describes how easy it can be to live one’s light. While actually living a real life.
With income, and relationships, and feeling supported, and pragmatically addressing any normal human pains or health conditions.
Liberated light.
Liberated life.

Explore for yourself. Things are very different here.