Create.  Creativity.  Creator.  Creation.

embrace yourself

I meet many people in my client work that resist seeing themselves as Creative, even though their Soul Self/”team” indicate they are indeed creative.  We often consider only the arts and music as creative, limiting ourselves from embracing our inherent Creator energy.

Anytime you set a vision into action from where there were multiple options, you are demonstrating your creativity.  Making a meal.  Writing Code.  Decorating a room.  Selecting your outfit for the day.  Redesigning your personal style and appearance.  Writing a message.  Delivering a presentation.  Designing a website.  Launching a marketing campaign.  Taking a new route on your bike ride.  Implementing a unique business model.

I’m confident you can see yourself in at least one of these.  Ready to give yourself more credit for your Creativity?  By embracing more of the natural creativity already in motion in your life, you give yourself access to even more of your profound imagination abilities, your originality and your inherent uniqueness.  And this makes more room for your original You to be brought forward in your life.  Helping you stand out… as You.

The really fun part is to realize these fresh visions come from your deep, eternal Soulful aspects.  Imagining something new combined with the human determination to see it through.

We Are Creator energy in human form.  And that means we all Are Creative.  Uniquely You.  What a gift that is, for ourselves and this world.

With love and blessings,

Jill Renee Feeler