So, hello and happy April 14th, 2014 to you :-)
Directed Energy with Divine Intentions

3:00am MDT April 14 2014

I am awakened, finding myself in the middle of a lesson I’m teaching or simply an inner dialogue.  My inner voice is saying, “the energy patterns continue until they have new instructions.”  And this is so intriguing that myself as Jill is awoken.

So, hello and happy April 14th, 2014 to you :-)

“The energy patterns continue until they have new instructions.”

In the shifting cycle, the energy patterns are expecting new instructions.  And possibly are already receiving them, even without our awareness.

Expecting new instructions.  Awaiting, or even receiving, new guidance that will override the previous codes.

These words are so coded and I’m loving their underlying energy patterns.

Now it occurs to me that various interviews I’ve been watching in recent days, are connected in ways I hadn’t expected.  I love surprises, especially those that come from mySelf.

Directed energy:  Dr. Judy Wood’s evidentiary-based re-views of 9/11.

I know she has critics, and yet there is expansion in simply listening to her.  Her calm.  Her presence.  Combined with her years of work to build a case for a completely different view of what Is, that goes far beyond 9/11.

To me, her intentions are pure and her work offers a shift in the tides.  But this takes time.  An ingredient offered in our linear view of this reality.  Whether you find her credible or not, any theory or conclusions about 9/11 must adequately explain the years of evidence she presents in her interviews and presentations based on her book of presented evidence entitled “Where did the Towers Go?”.

Free energy:  No, not Keshe but I looked there.  (I have no firm opinions one way or another about his work.  I’m simply “not feeling it”.)

No, not videos and photos of impressive mock ups with electrical tape and small engines.

Actually, again Dr. Wood along with the self-trained energy explorer John Hutchison, of the Hutchison Effect.  The evidence for what brought down the twin towers, as well as other apparently precise target buildings, with aftermath of continuing effects on multiple dimensions in humanity, may indeed be the most compelling and surprising demonstration of free energy we have to date.
Are the Oklahoma federal building and the Minnesota bridge collapse additional examples?

The examples of free energy so many are looking for to actually access freedom from the government are perhaps already demonstrated openly in recent decades, but also in disguise using PsyOps.  Perhaps that is another reason many cannot accept it, because it would imply that what they want so badly, is in the hands of the perceived enemy.  Shakespeare couldn’t have written it better.  Or did he?

5D consciousness:  listening to Henrick Palmgren’s recent interview with Catherine Austin Fitts offers a view of the military industrial complex that is beyond polarity and is even quite 5D.  Catherine presents a compelling view that the present approach to manipulation, control and repression of much of humanity wasn’t/isn’t out of evil, malicious intent.  Rather, it came about over time by the highest levels of the pyramid of human information as a strategy to avoid many far worse potential outcomes (their discernment).

I have been continuously shown in my work an energy pattern of humanity in which those often perceived as evil are in actuality doing “the best they can with what they know”.  I consistently discerned that what the consciousness community wants is only achievable by expanding beyond polarized views of us and them, into 5D+ ranges of consciousness.

Us vs. them polarized orientations, even underlying beautiful desired outcomes, are what keeps the present energy patterns no longer desired in place.  It creates another form of directed free energy.  The twisted, distorted view of humanity, overall, created by humanity itself, albeit unconsciously.  The separation age at work, and un/less conscious relative to our full potential.

Mind Control/PsyOps:  In our March 2014 Re-Membering Workshop we shared that the mind control technology presently used “on humanity” was actually created by “us”, Divine Consciousness which includes you, the reader of this.  It’s “ours”.  We created it.  And in the now receding age it’s been used for very different purposes; to limit the free will and sovereignty of humanity.  It was originally brought here to these realities on Earth by us for the Creator spirit to express and be creative among the physical layers of energy — effecting matter in highly successful ways.

Related to this I offer that the human brain and it’s wiring is physical, matter.  Consciousness is anti-matter.  (coded)

“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” ― Albert Einstein


So, I’m right back to the message that awoke me:  the energy patterns we witness and experience within humanity in general are operating according to their instructed nature.
In my awakened state I then considered:

  • We, too, are the “directed energy” of the Hutchison Effect
  • The observer,  guiding and also experiencing the experiment, in quantum mechanic functioning.
  • When we further neutralize (expand beyond polarized energy patterns of us and them), then the humans here that are operating within 5D+ Consciousness ranges are the free, directed and now divinely Conscious energy.
  • We are then consciously capable of things that defy present beliefs, expectations, and known possibilities.
  • With clear intentions of expansive, overall, outcomes with minimal to no short term and long term negative side effects/externalities (and yet individual free will ultimately determines/creates the outcome/effect for themselves).
  • Many, even in consciousness circles, are thinking too small, with too much energetic reliance on an enemy, dampening the overall effect of their directed energy.

The energy patterns continue until they have new instructions.

What are your “new instructions”, to yourself, as directed, free and divine energy?  As Conscious human spirit.  Hutchison bends steel in a home laboratory, with just himself and a camera (assumption).  His spirit and intent is open, intending no harm but with an almost playful, “What will happen if….”

And this is exactly the energy patterns I am shown in my consciousness work.  It is not fueled by hate, fear, revenge… polarity.  Intending no harm.  Even loving in intent.  It is not programmed to rely on viral status to be meaningful, deep and lasting.

I’m passionate about human potential, about authentic evolution and about restoring humanity’s inherent Sovereignty.  I do this from a very spiritual orientation and this serves me well.  And I am excited for what is being set in motion with these connections.  Are you as well?

I will conclude with this very provocative passage I am now reminding myself:
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.  – King James Bible “Authorized Version”, Cambridge Edition

I invite you to see this now with clear eyes and to hear it with fresh ears.  Call your inner knowing to beckon the true meaning and encodement of this important passage.

I offer an equally provocative interpretation and an application.  Envision yourself, using your own inner voice, with clarity, purpose and truth, saying out loud, to you, from You,
“Be still, and know that I am/you Are God.  I am re-stored, from within you/self, to the surface of my/your human consciousness; among those no longer under the spell of religion (which intrinsically separates one/One from God).  From this directed energy of divinely conscious humans, the I AM of God Source is restored upon Earth.”

And so it is.  And this is how we do it.  Nobody gets taken down.  We just take our Selves back.  Bam :-)

With eternal love, blessings and honor for you, us and every,
5:44 am MDT April 14, 2014