Amidst Adversity we Are still Light

I’m sitting here smiling at what my team just showed me, excited to share this brief moment with you.

In our desire to “become Light”, when we experience any adversity our response often is, “Oh, I need to work on this. This adversity isn’t Light so I need to work on this so I can become Light. I need this out of my way first. I want to become Light. But I’m not there. Hence the adversity.”

And what our teams offer as a completely different perspective amidst perceived adversity is, “Hey, look, all this adversity and I’m still Light” !!! Please don’t confuse experience with identity.

Oh the ranges we have to choose from… Are you working your way into Light, on a quest, “seeking”? On another range of experiencing, you are Declaring the Light you Are, even amidst adversity. Neither approach is wrong. They simply create a very different set of realities within which to experience your Spirit in form.

Love and blessings,