21st Century Enlightenment Video #1 | Making Sense of Being Soulful

Where this reality and authentic, direct connection to Source, all starts to make sense

The first video in my free 6-part video series about the 21st Century Enlightenment method and my upcoming workshop just went live.

You can watch it here.

In the video, I explain the number one problem that those dedicated to spiritual enlightenment are facing.

And it has nothing to do with lack of effort or abilities.

It’s a much deeper rooted problem.

Plus, I walk you through the spiritual connection workflow I have been developing and using in my own tangible connection to Source | God.

I call it 21st Century Enlightenment.


Because it’s literally the most effective, completely innovative way to connect to and live as your most expanded, light-based soulful layers. 

You see, most of the enlightenment, consciousness and self-help communities are facing the same problems:

They have an abundance of resources and knowledge, and tremendous motivation to live in a spiritually connected manner.

But at the same time, they have been told they are responsible for clearing and healing any of their pains and traumas before they can fully realize their divine light.  Some have even been told that is their job to clear collective pain and trauma, for all of humanity!

For many utilizing those outdated methods, they have some amazing highs, but they also experience consistent lows, regularly doubting their connection to Source | Spirit, often questioning whether they are where they are “supposed to be” in their life and in their spiritual progress.

It seems like people are regularly feeling stuck, craving more and more spiritual growth and feelings of being high/connected to the light and connection of Source | Spirit.

They learn some new skills, participate in online spiritual events.  Get that high.

And then plateau. 

There’s a couple of things that are not set up right in that conventional approach to spiritual enlightenment and connection, and that’s exactly what we talk about in the first video in the free 6-part video series.

Watch the first video here


With love,


P.S. In the next video, I’ll explain exactly how to start implementing the 21st Century Enlightenment method.

And I will walk you through a simple strategy that will help speed up your spiritual connection experience to be a more complete expression of your soulful layers throughout your life.

Also, in case you haven’t placed your name on the early-access waitlist for the online “Updating Humanity Workshop”, you can do that here.

I’ve been receiving a lot of interest in the workshop.  In order to make sure I can help everyone personally, I’ve decided to keep the workshop size manageable and only accept a limited amount of new participants for the time being.

I feel like that’s better for everyone.

So unless you’re on the early-access waitlist, I’m not sure you’ll be able to get a spot.