Own Your Divinity

Own Your Divinity topic as a Gift on my Birthday

I am so excited to share these and the opportunity to offer anyone with a heart to hear another way to approach their human experience, based in love and honor for Self and for *all* humanity and all life, here and throughout the Cosmos. I have recovered as much of my costs as I feel I am likely to. I still am underwater/losing money on this documentary project; yet the primary goal, as always, was never financial. The time is now to just release my attachment to anything financial related to this documentary project and let this white Dove fly. I so appreciate each of you and the beautiful representation of loving, divine humans you are. If there is anything you can do to assist me in sharing these video and audio messages, I am very grateful and appreciative.

Infinite love and blessings, Jill Related to sharing my chart from Lavandar: Lavandar is an amazing way shower and fellow Galactic Shaman we are blessed to have on the planet. I received a Star Marking Codes reading from her on March 12, 2012. Lavandar is part of Starseed Radio Academy (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/starseed-radio-academy) and Starseedhotline.net (http://starseedhotline.ning.com/profile/Lavandar). I received her approval to share this with you. The highlights here are a wonderful demonstration of her gifts. It also may provide some fun and interesting divine confirmation of many of the ways I experience myself, what I share, how I share and how I experience the highest realms.

This could be helpful on many, many levels. Also as you listen please consider that we, as our eternal Souls, really did make some amazingly powerful choices when we set up our journeys. Please consider the tremendous empowerment available when we can trust our selves that we are everything we intended, not by what we do, but by who we are. How we experience ourselves, how we find that alignment with our selves in this journey is upliftment. I very much feel supported and designed to assist others in this process. I know how wonderful it feels for myself. I have deep expertise in this area that goes beyond my present journey as Jill. * sorry for the rough editing of the Lavandar session highlights — thank God for Bob’s expertise on the Documentary lol!

I am so excited to announce that today I am sharing the Documentary “The Platinum Age: Creating the New Earth” publicly as a gift to everyone and anyone. I am sharing the following: * Part 1 of the video Documentary here:

* Part 2 of the video Documentary here:

The documentary is edited by an amazing videographer, Bob Bellairs, and interweaves back and forth between the presentation I did in LA at the Conscious Life Expo and an interview I did with Sandy Post. This format for telling the story and this 5D+ message is wonderful, especially for those with more experience in those frequencies. There are also audio files in mp3 which have just the interview and just the presentation. Since they do not go back and forth between presentation and interview, these feel like a completely different experience and offer the listeners another opportunity to absorb this material. It also may be easier to follow for those newer to messages of 5D+ nature.