Written Easter Message from 2014 (timeless? you decide)

Happy Easter everyOne! Easter means something so different to me now as compared to what it did from my traditional Christian background. The Resurrection — a very powerful word. So often felt by humanity with guilt, shame, a sense of “look at the horrible things we’ve done.” It is hard, if not impossible to know Source deeply within from that energetic range of self-identity. No wonder we stumble, struggle and feel isolated.

Resurrection – the revival or revitalization of something.

Revival – an improvement in the condition or strength of something.

The Resurrection wasn’t just about Jesus, whatever your truths about Jesus. For me, the Christed Consciousness demonstrated by the being known as Christ, is within humanity. It is the essence of our inherent Divinity. Our Sovereignty is our birthright.

And yet, we’ve forgotten it, as scheduled, if you will, based on the Age now receding. Jesus showed us the way is within. And yet we do not look within. We are actually taught to be afraid of what is within, to be leery of the deep consciousness as a potentially nefarious force. The true separation is from our own deep, inner consciousness, rooted in Source at our core. The veils aren’t between us and a sense of divine consciousness outside of ourselves. The veils are between our human awareness and our divine consciousness within, which is eternally connected to our infinite Spirit/God.

For me, Easter, the Resurrection is very much about Christ. But in my view a more true version of Christ. Perhaps the Real Christian view is that we, in our human-ness, are also simultaneously Spirit/God as demonstrated in form, just as Christ was/is. Demonstrated at varying ranges of consciousness, highly affected by the Age being experienced and it’s associated timelines.

The Kingdom of Heaven is within.

Resurrection is the improvement and strengthening of God, of Source, of the Holy Spirit from within our human experience. Authentic Ascension.   A true revival, of humanity claiming it’s divine heritage, from any energetic force that would seek or promote that we are not inherently Divine; that we are not Holy, whol-ly whole in our human experience.  Not when we die. Not because we declare ourselves as sinners. Not as a result of declaring a Savior. Not through good deeds or earning or sacrifice. Rather when we declare the Savior energy Is within ourselves.

Am I a Christian? Not as taught in modern times. But, yes, I Am a Christian. I am closer to Christ than I ever was as a “Christian”. As a once seeker and now claimer of my divine heritage as Source energy God in human form I am Christian in a purer sense of the word than ever before. This is what Christ was demonstrating. Not who He was. But who We Are.

Not just all of humanity. But all of life. All of all.

Realms of consciousness such as Earth allow us to forget this, and play with forgetting. And the ride begins.

Divide and conquer no more. The Light of God from within humanity washed itself of all forgetting experienced. And we saw. And we heard. And we spoke. And we knew. And we felt. And we re-membered the authentic Love of God.

And so it Is. Amen. Happy Easter. May the Light of God that you Are, eternally, be known, from within.

Love and blessings to each, all and every,

Jill Renee Feeler

Another Easter message, shared live April 17 2019, in Audio form is HERE