Teenagers, Young Adults and Alcohol, Vaping, Drug Use

After an opiate overdose, in her life review, she saw that it was her 15 year old self that started to set in motion her eventual death. Gone too soon. Who will this help? Who knows but I’ll try.

Hoping this helps some young adults feel better about their present choices, possibly with some new perspective. Teenage and young adult years can feel boring, and for many who are seeking some excitement there can be some experimentation. I hope this helps someone, today, and the version of you you want to be at my age or any age. 

For anyone having more serious trouble, please get help. You are worth it and there is no better time than right now.  It can be really hard to ask for help but it may make a huge difference ~ to your life. Even therapy, counseling, or just wise advice can go a long way to see a new future and getting started on a better life.

For our regular peeps, sorry if you are missing my usual metaphysical content. I am still sharing it, just focusing my time for that in the membership, or also on our Roku and Amazon Fire channels under Jill Renee Feeler) which I imagine you will love. We haven’t missed a beat and are continuing to take consciousness to new levels of truth, love and positive human evolution.

Lately I have been feeling drawn to lay down some crystal bread crumbs in a sort of Auntie Jill way, wanting to make sure I’ve said out loud and publicly some things that maybe, someone, will hear that will help them more clearly see the amazing being they are/can be, especially by taking care of themselves and their life.

I am an Auntie, a Mother of two teens (one now at university) and decades ago I was once a teenager who had my share of fun.  Thankfully that teenage fun, in my case, didn’t limit the life I now feel blessed to be living.

~ Jill