Making Space from Life’s Big Knots

Feeling like your passions are drawn to Earth’s biggest problems, and that you have a unique role to play in solving it?  Is that passion so all consuming that it has created some loneliness, feeling drained, wondering if there could be more to life (your life)?  This message is for the dedicated dreamers, offering some curiosity about how much more energized, balanced, fulfilled and enthused you could be about life (your life) if you detached yourself, at least a bit, from that big passion, and all its gnarly knots. Take your time with this one!  One live participant said she had full body goosebumps of truth from this message, which tends to be a very good sign. Sending love, Jill

Anyone interested in consciousness, philosophy, metaphysics, science, spirituality and mind-bending meditation is sure to love this experience.  In some monthly experiences we are led to provide unique, inspired insights into current events. Some of these types of messages include prophetic trends, in which case we also provide strategies and recommendations to best experience the upcoming cycle.

How: Recordings available, in video and in audio formats, by signing in if you are already a member or by purchasing a JRF membership here.

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