The Big Picture of Faith and Belief plus Connection to God

An enlightening video message providing a satisfying big picture view of beliefs, faith and connection to God.

1 hr 12 min

Comments from a couple of the live participants:

From Simon: This felt like the most impactful message I’ve experienced. Absolutely resonated and redolent with truth.

From Karin:  Thank you, today is most fantastic, so well expressed! I do feel like a vessel of God, even when I don’t!

Jill’s gift for sharing inspiring messages straight from the Holy Spirit have been offering connection, clarity and direction for people around the world since 2009.

Messages are shared once a month with our premium members. The messages are not prepared in advanced, instead shared improvisationally, led by the Holy Spirit, which Jill often calls her “team”.

Recording available by signing in if you are already a member or by beginning JRF membership here.

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