Looking for More Connection to Spirit?

 ~ This upgrade could change everything

Many are devotedly trying to increase their connection to spirit, trying to hear, trying to see, trying to feel what they sense others can, but they cannot. There are so many courses to take to learn to improve their connection.

Ready for a totally different perspective, that works?

The connection you think you are missing, was never lost.

(stay with me here, this is important information that others have probably never shared with you)

The connection

You are the connection.

The light isn’t something we connect to. The light is what we Are.

You are the expression of your soulfulness, whether you can hear them or not, see things or not, sense things or not.

The connection is you.

What are you led to do, to be, to share, to offer, to create, to respond to, say yes to, say no to, to try, to explore, to expand, to diminish?

Your instincts are enough, when you let yourself be the fully human plus divine being that you are, exactly as you are.

“But what if I’m not doing what my soul wants me to do?”

Actually your soul knows the human bodysuit quite well and that it can be distracted and confusing within it. Your soul also knows this reality, that it can be distracting and confusing. Which is why our being the connection we are was never a complicated set of steps or instructions or detailed missions we needed to successfully achieve ~ that is a very unfortunate distraction, offered and perpetuated here by confused ideas that everyone here is incarnated to complete tasks and solve problems and upgrade DNA and [please use a funny alien voice for this next part] clear ancestral bio-plasma-quantam-myasms with the (imagined) help of zed4.9 star system that has the technology forgotten by humans in the 13th wave of galactic evolution (by the way I completely just made that up, knowing it sounds a lot like the treasure hunts and cosmic quests many find themselves on).

See it now?

Your connection to Source isn’t damaged. It actually can’t be. It is just natural to not feel it like some of us want to here. Some of you are most likely having some irritation or even cognitive dissonance with this. I encourage you to breathe, place your hand on your heart and just listen to the communication from your heart, perhaps re-reading as necessary, to actually hear it. Because what if we are correct? What if you don’t need to be on a spiritual quest of repairing your galactic connection technology? What if you are ok? What if your soul never looks at you as insufficient? What if your soul only views you as a critical, irreplaceable, inherently valuable member of itself, the member that gets to wear the bodysuit, yours, and be someone… you.

This to me is 100% true. I observe it all the time in my work.

And it is always fascinating when someone can’t accept it. They are just sure they are not yet complete, not yet connected, not yet a valuable member of the soul self… not done yet.

I sense the amazing brain and the inner storyteller is involved here. The brain loves the quest. It loves to learn. It loves certifications and knowledge.
And if its human feels it is already complete then it will be bored.

Really? Or is the brain just afraid it will no longer be as useful, in a version of self
that can appreciate the knowledge it already has,
can enjoy the life they live,
can love the self they are,
can love others as they are (with boundaries as needed, of course, this is Earth after all),
can feel even more
of the connection
they are

by not trying to be connected

by not expecting the connection should be anything more than what it is (you)

by not listening to the endless, well intended, forces that keep pulling them into trying to build a connection
trying to repair a connection

that was never damaged to begin with.

You are the connection and I’m happy to tell you this. I know it isn’t what we often desire it to be. I know life isn’t always what we want it to be. And yet, it is what it is. And we benefit, tremendously, by letting go of the stories that tell us otherwise, that pull us out of our center, out of the connection, the life, the love, the sense of well being that we are, when we aren’t feeling we are here to save the world, or save the planet or create a connection to our soul that was never needed to be the connection we are. I know the new story isn’t as captivating. But it is real. And there is more purpose in that. And more connection. To you. And the soul you also are. Infinitely.

“So why do you offer sessions and readings that help people connect to their teams?” A very fair question and I balance this all the time, given what we’ve shared here in this post so far. I share my sessions, helping others connect with their team so that their team can reinforce the very truths above, that they are whole and complete, that they chose to make a self to be and it is them, to tell them what God-ly qualities they are, naturally, so that they can feel and be that core of connection more readily. I offer sessions to help counter the litany of unfortunate but well intended things others spiritual practitioners have told them that they are asking their team, through me, to confirm, deny or elaborate upon.

So many in our communities feel like they are a contestant on The Amazing Race, trying to acquire lessons, and clues and challenges

and they never have enough information to win the race,

to up-level their soul,

to make their life count.

That is a lot to counter. That is a lot of connection, not acknowledged. That is a lot of energy, time, money, life spent. When  actually you are the light, you are God-ly, you are your team’s representative, here and there is no One else they’d rather be.

You are the Connection you seek.

I do reading to help your team tell you how special, and loved, and supported you are,

even when you don’t feel it, even when you are uncertain, or feeling inadequate. To tell you that that is natural, and doesn’t mean you are doing anything wrong. To tell you what your team really wants you to know, to be the connection you are.

For those that have had readings from me, listen again. If these ideas feel new to you on some level, chances are that you will receive the reading completely differently now, especially where your team describes you, how they see you, what they love about you, supporting the connection you Are, the light you Are.

Funny how our brains and its confused inner story teller can step right over that… completely dismisses that insight as nice
but not important…
because, it wants a job, a big job, the bigger the better.
The brain and that confused story teller within it says “But what is my job in helping humanity’s awakening? What are my next steps on the amazing race of evolving my soul? What am I here to do for Spirit?” hoping it’s elaborate, and complicated and feels more important than
living one’s life
which can seem so unsatisfying by comparison.

I’m going to tell you the truth that your team is letting you decide where you want to live, what your career is, how you make a living, how you pay your bills, whom you share your life with, what you do in your spare time.
And I’m going to tell you that you’ve got this. Because you do. But we can forget.
I’m going to tell you that you are loved. Because you are. And we can forget this.
I’m going to tell you that your day job although possibly boring and unfulfilling helps you take care of your you, and possibly others, and that that matters, because you matter.
I’m going to offer compassion, for where life is hard, or not going the way you want it to.
I’m going to listen, because your team wants you to be heard.
I’m going to advise, because your team does have ideas about things you can try next, which sometimes are things you hadn’t thought of yourself.
I’m going to provide confirmation, because your team knows it can help you take you and the connection you are more seriously and with more confidence.
I’m going to tell you we don’t know how the advice will go for you, because your team knows that there aren’t those guarantees of success in this world.
I’m going to be there, to support the connection, the light, the amazing you, that you are.

That is why I do my sessions, my work to help you see, know and live the amazing connection that you are.

If your storyteller just got updated in this experience, that may be game changing for you, and a huge upgrade. But please know that changing the story we are telling ourselves can also take some adjustment, some time, as new truths are settled in, with updated expectations and upgraded sense of self and others and this world. Everything we offer supports you in that, so look around the website and check things out.

Things are very, very different here. By design. All of ours.

With love,

Next Steps? Enjoy your Connection in these experiences

A wonderful support for the light that you are ~ readings for 5-6 individuals who raise their hands in a large group entertainment style online setting ~ the love, wisdom, support and compassion shared with all.

The show demonstrates how we see, support and inspire one’s perpetual light, without separating them from it, without spiritual levels and without spiritual quests/seeking/mission distractions.

For fellow spiritual practitioners and for anyone new to our work the show is also a great way to observe our work, how we do it, what is so dramatically different.  You can even raise your hand and possibly be chosen for a reading, hearing what we have to offer from your team or to answer a specific question you are pondering.

Next show is April 21! Tickets here ~ you’ll be SO glad you did! We do things very differently, for all the right reasons.

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that I sometimes don’t post anywhere else.

By |2021-04-17T11:56:19-06:00April 17th, 2021|0 Comments

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