Hello Dear Friends,

Change is underway and it can feel a bit like we are in a blender of chaotic, unsettled frequencies at times.  The energies are so intense that we can feel like we are sailing at one moment and then sort of compacted or even “whacked” moments later.  Ahhhh… please be gentle and patient and nurturing of yourself and others as we have now begun the very important process of integrating many of the higher frequencies accessed since Oct. 2012 and continuing.

I am doing so much writing and sharing in recent weeks, processing the many uploads being offered.  I have included links below for some very important messages shared recently, as well as the newsletter special message herein.

Oh my, we’ve all been busy either outwardly creating and being and/or internally processing and integrating these latest waves of light-based codes and frequencies.  I am nothing but excited about all I perceive as underway at this time.

Still many distractions are offered which may pull us out of our center, which is the topic of the main message herein.  I hope it encourages you to be the amazing, powerful, lovely Being you Are, for the pure freedom this offers you and humanity.

Namaste, love and eternal blessings,

Progress, Change and God’s Creator Power

In any desired change or envisioned outcome, I feel naturally wired to desire, support and energize a win-win outcome.  I discern for myself and encourage each of you to do the same for what feels right for each of you, as a Sovereign being.

The grand cycles and associated minor cycles of time/change at this time offer, support and dictate authentic change… rooted in Source energy, which is love.

Not just love for some.  Not just love for the “good guys”.  Not just love for the ones who share my/our beliefs and values.

Love without condition.  Love beyond what may appear to be warranted or deserved, from the human perspective.

Authentic change is rooted in Source energy which is Love.  Love without conditions.  Love without perceived merit.


Love for humanity to the point that we authentically desire, support and energize the entire human race to experience and know the best part of themselves, our Creator Self…. God and to feel the Love of God, for all, within all, by all.

Anything else labeled change or progress, in my view is just a transfer and shifting of pieces on the same game board that perpetuated the Separation Age.  That is not why I am here.

The upward spiraling energies in these cycles are simply too powerful to use them for anything other than love-based evolution for all life on Earth, physical and non-physical.  Supporting that upward spiral happens from here; from Earth.  The architects are typically on site for the project.  Re-member?

We all have special and unique roles to play/be.  Some of these roles may not be common or popular, even within spiritually-led communities and groups.  All play a role; some more outwardly, some very inwardly.

What is your heart guiding you to Be/Create?  What feels good and energizing to your Creator frequencies within?  Are you honoring that sacred guidance, nurturing it and supporting it in your energy field like a well-tended garden?  What feels draining and perhaps out of alignment for You uniquely?  Discern.  Trust.  Be.  You.

I love and honor you, your unique role and your choice to assist with this important shift of humanity.  We offer many resources to assist and encourage this personal ascension process and the associated alchemical protocol.  Please let us know or simply visit the website as you are led, trusting that we are always presented with precisely the wisdom and guidance called for.

Love and blessings,