[Originally shared live on Facebook]

We look very different energetically and in our human behavior based on whether we know we are an Ascended human or not.

First we provide our definition of Ascension. Then we describe what it looks like in our experience when somebody isn’t aware of their Ascension, when they are not claiming it. We come across as needy, insecure, unconfident and sort of hungry for validation, praise and affirmation. It puts unnecessary pressure on all of our human relationships. It keeps us from accessing our best self, our most glorious layers. The brain in an unAscended state, is trying to work on the 3D levels to “get there”, to achieve, to learn, to strive for earning validation and certification from sources it deems credible and praise-worthy. The brain will not stop this incessant striving unless it is guided to stop, by another force within Self, the soulful layers. Only the soulful layers within can stop the madness. Pre-Ascension chases and strives from a sense of void, and trying to fill it. It is tiresome and even exhausting to be around something that is craving so much validation and affirmation.

An Ascended Human recognizes that they aren’t perfect, and that they don’t need to be. They know that, no matter what, they are the Light of Source, even when they make mistakes, even when they don’t know everything. It is a state of Knowing and trusting this, in every day life. They tend to be more relaxed, joy-filled, pleasant, inspiring and fun to be around. Striving and growth in the Ascended Human is about curiosity and desire for new experiences and potentially seeing what else they are capable of. It is done with a sense of coming from wholeness already, and a desire and passion for adding new layers of experience and even mastery to its already whole state.

We then delve into the concept of Fears and how it isn’t the opposite of Love.

Insecurity is explored more fully.

I hope you enjoy today’s message!

With love, gratitude and blessings,